
Choose a civilization from ancient China ( I CHOSE Han) and one from India (I CHOSE Harrapan) and describe how religion contributed to the rise and fall of both civilizations. Describe the role religion played in the political system of the two cultures you have chosen.


political science 101 discussion post comment response on a classmate s post jason

Chapter 14

There are several relationships between bureaucracy and democracy. The government bureaucracy is a necessary in many ways but not sufficient. It is a condition for democracy and several other things. It is a hierarchy with several established responsibilities and rules applied equally to all provides accounts for officials. Bureaucracy provides the regulations based on the tax policy enacted by elected legislature in democracy. The tax collectors authority is clearly spelled out on the regulations. If a tax collector oversteps his authority by trying to overtax people, officials take that away from him. One tactic they can use is termination. It is known to be one way or a certain way to reduce the size of bureaucracy. The tactic is to reduce or terminate all programs that are part of it. It is one way that they can reduce the agencies and the other parts of them. Many have leaned towards this strategy so they can remove the unpopular regulatory agencies, which can cut their budgets on contributions. This strategy is very effective because it closes out several resources for bureaucracy. Another thing they can do is devolution. Devolution is known to be an alternative to the reduction in the size of bureaucracy. The devolution and downsizing the federal bureaucracy by delegating the programs to state and local governments. Devolution changes the pattern of gets the most out of programs. It makes it even for all the programs. Devolution has brought in a lot of different faces to make decisions about certain topics like transportation and highways. The ultimate goal for devolution is to provide more flexible and efficient services for governments. The last strategy that can be used is privatization. This is another option that is very similar to termination. This strategy is not directly towards the programs but it targets smaller things like private contractors. Privatization means that a private company provides a public purpose under contract. It downsizes the government only in that the workers providing the service are no longer counted as part of the government bureaucracy. The main goal for privatization is to reduce the cost of government. Several government workers receive good pay and a lot of other benefits. Private companies do not get the same benefit as them and also get lower pay. Reform of public bureaucracies are always complex because strong companies might attempt to block changes that they think might harm them or their unions.

disscussionquestion apa cite

1. In this module, we have learned about three basic forms of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Drawing upon examples from a life or professional perspective, describe instances when one of these forms of learning could be used effectively.

  • Outline the scenario, and explain how you might deploy this type of learning.
  • Justify why one this particular basic form of learning might be appropriate n this particular instance.

Feel free to get creative with your examples, but be sure to connect them it to what you have learned about thise three basic forms of learning.

2.Have you ever experienced a mistaken memory? For example, did you remember something only to find out it wasn’t completely accurate? Think about the processes of sensing, perceiving, and memory you read about in this module. Describe how this could happen. Be sure to consider the main reasons for forgetting and consider which of these fit your situation.


Over the past few years, news reports have focused on prominent football players involvement in intimate-partner violence (IPV). Despite an elevator surveillance video of former Baltimore Ravens running back, Ray Rice, punching his fiance, Janay, the couple married soon afterwards. Many Americans debated the role these two people played in the situation, some accusing Janay of instigating the violence and being a gold-digger, others simply shaking their head in confusion. It also generated twitter feeds in which survivors provided abusive-relationship stories explaining reasons for staying or for leaving.

Based on what you learned about IPV in this course, indicate some of the myths and misconceptions about IPV, and then explain why these are incorrect.

Do you believe that there is sufficient support emotionally, socially, economically, and legally to help victims to escape their abusers and live better, happier, and more productive lives? Indicate specific reasons and justifications for your beliefs.

Please write at least 3 paragraphs answering this assignment, and using the following attached articles for this assignment.


In 250 words please examine and discuss competitive strategies that manufacturers can use to gain competitive advantage . Please use citations and references

write an essay about how people in saint domingue understood freedom

QUESTION:Write an essay about how people in Saint-Domingue understood Freedom – as a concept, as an idea. Base your essay completely on the primary sources in Geggus’ book (be careful to use the documents themselves, not Geggus’ introduction to each document or his general introduction).

You are free to define people in any way you choose. You can look at one group, or a series of individuals, or the entire population; this is completely up to you. The most important part is that you write about people’s ideas, what they thought. You also need to put aside the idea that you (or we) somehow understand what freedom is – do not cite a dictionary definition of freedom – and that the ideas of these people were somehow wrong. You need to grapple with their ideas on their terms as much as you can.


foreign aid

Why should countries give foreign aid? Why do they? You can bring in multiple issues here. You can tackle the question from moral, economic, political, or national security perspectives. Make a forceful argument and if possible back it up with some facts, logic, and references to other authors.

Make a forceful argument about whether or not countries should help others with aid. Be sure to cite sources properly. In your essay, please include the following

1. First, in about one paragraph explain the extent to which states receive (and give) aid to other states. Perhaps cite some facts and figures from the text or lecture (you might also look at sources like the World Bank)

2. Then, answer the question. Note how the question allows you to answer it from multiple dimensions (e.g. looking at donors and recipients; looking at it in terms of economics, national security, domestic politics, etc). Thus, you might consider approaching it using one paragraph each for a few different dimensions. To the extent possible use a logical argument but also consider using empirical evidence. Your text and lecture has some of that and should be included.

3. Include at least one source available via JSTOR or Google Scholar. Citing other scholars’ works is a good way to make an argument. A good way to locate articles: go to, click on “Resources & collections,” and then using the dropdown menu select “Databases,” and scroll down to Google Scholar. Click on that, and for search terms type in “foreign aid”, then next to that type in “debate.” This will identify articles that discuss international aid and they might give you really good ideas for your paper. You can also find a lot of web sources. The World Economic Forum posted some information that included a wide variety of sources. It can be found here: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You can actually find a lot on this debate on the web. Doing a JSTOR search will also produce many sources. Use the same terms: “foreign aid” and “debate.”

3. Finally, summarize your argument and conclude the essay. If you are covering multiple dimensions, then you will have to find a way to bring them together for an overall picture. That may not be easy, but you try to figure out if one dimension (say the moral or economic or national security or whatever) is more important than the others. Alternatively, it may be that the evidence for one dimension in favor of aid is not as clear and/or convincing as the evidence on the opposing side, so you the basis of what we are most sure about to decide for or against.

4. Include a list of references. This does NOT count toward the 3 pages.

programing java homework questinos

There are seven Java question that needs to be solved. If someone can help


Regression analysis is usually performed using quantitative data of both dependent and independent variables. It can extend to cases where one of the variables (or both) is quantitative. Using scholarly citations, find a study that extends the regression where either dependent, independent, or both are qualitative. Give:

  1. a brief description of the study
  2. a description of the dependent and independent variables
  3. the conclusion.

Support your post with information and concepts from the class readings. Use APA-style references wherever necessary to support your discussion. See the MIS Library Guide (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. for access to relevant databases and research.

community nursing 15

Politics and the Law – The Health Care System – Economics of Health Care.

  1. Discuss how the structure of government impacts the policy development process.
  2. Describe the legislative, judicial, and administrative (executive) processes involved in establishing federal, state, or local health policy.
  3. Describe the organization of the public healthcare subsystem at the federal, state, and local levels.
  4. Discuss the factors that influence the cost of health care.

A minimum of 2 evidence-based references is required