I can give 3 days to complete but please bid if you know how to deliver a high level and quality work since this is a master degree level. I will send the tutor the marking rubrics after confirm him/her. Havard referencing
Required to select one company from the list below:
5.Trip Advisor
6.Singapore Airlines
Next identify a key strategic issue facing the company and analyse the issue through the application of relevant concepts and models covered in the module. From your analysis, how would you recommend the company respond to the issue?
Hint: you may want to think about your company’s external/internal environment, its acquisition/divestment options, outsourcing decisions or other corporate strategy issues.Try to put the emphasis on analysis and not merely an extended description of what the company does.
Assignments, not exceeding 3,000 words. Assignments should be submitted via TURNITIN on Moodle. (You are advised to use the Turnitin ‘test your text’ procedure, on Moodle, to check for plagiarism before submitting the final version. Remember the inclusion of company descriptive material is likely to raise the plagiarism score.) The word count may exclude references, tables and an executive summary.Significant overrunning of the word count will be penalised.
In addition to reading specified I will use a number of mini cases in class. These will be distributed. These mini case studies are employed as a method of generating class discussion and as a means of enabling us to apply material covered in the lecture topics.
1.Introduction: strategy as planning or process?
2.Industries, markets and competitors
3.External analysis
4.Strategic positioning: generic strategies
5.Competitive advantage 1: Sustaining competitive advantage
6.Competitive advantage 2: Creating competitive advantage
7.Growth, diversification and portfolio management
8.Collaboration and the vertical boundaries of the firm
9.Internal organization: performance measurement and incentives
10.Overview, conclusions & assignment guidance
The course begins with a simple introduction that highlights the origins of strategy and introduces students to the distinction between the planning and process perspectives of strategy.
Topic 2 examines how to define both industries and markets and why it is important to distinguish between these two concepts and, more fundamentally, why firms must recognize their immediate competitors.
Topic 3 introduces the issue of how to analyse as firm’s environment. This is from a macro-perspective and considers the industry/market environment employing Porter’s 5 Forces analysis with an extension to include Brandenburger and Nalebuff’s Value Net.
Topic 4 continues Porter’s theme to examine the issue of whether firms should pursue generic strategies of cost and differentiation. This decision is seen to depend crucially upon the firm’s external environment, including the characteristics of the industries within which it operates.
The focus of the course now shifts towards an internal analysis of the firm via the resource-based view (R-BV), and its applications.
Topics 5 and 6 together explore the nature of competitive advantage. Topic 5 initially assumes the firm has a competitive advantage and considers how it might be sustained in a competitive environment. This allows for an exploration of the R-BV. It also explores the advantages of being an early mover in the market. Topic 6 follows this by considering how a competitive advantage might be generated.
Topics 7 and 8 highlight some of the key issues that face firms today in terms of how the firm thinks about structuring its boundaries through diversification, refocusing and collaboration with external parties;
while topic 9 looks at the firm’s internal organization and incentive structure as a source of competitive advantage. Lastly, the module concludes with an overview of the course material and a discussion of the assessment.