
The essay should be two pages long + reference page. All the instructions are explained in Writing Guide (you can find it below), be attentive to follow all of them, as an editor will check your essay referring to those instructions.

Here are several tips and requirements for a successful sample-essay:

  • Follow the correct format:
    • 1 inch margins from all sides
    • Times new roman or Arial, font 12
    • Double spaced
    • Other APA or MLA attributes, depending on the citation style you have been tasked to follow.
  • In order to make your paper logical we recommend chosing ‘5-paragraph essay‘ structure for your sample-paper. This is the most common and easily understandable structure for a short essay. In 5-paragraph essay each paragraph has its purpose:
    • 1st – introductory paragraph. This should contain a thesis sentence, the main idea your paper will defend or narrate about.
    • 2nd, 3rd and 4th – body paragraphs. Each paragraph should represent specific idea or thought that is important for your essay, and should contribute into supporting the key argument of your essay.
    • 5th paragraph – conclusion. This last paragraph should not contain new ideas. It should only summarize the ideas you have already laid out in your paper and logically conclude the entire writing.
  • What to avoid in your writing:
    • Run-on sentences – a type of sentence in which 2 or more independent ideas are not separated by comas or full stops. Such sentences are messy and are generally considered a mistake typical for a primitive writing style.
    • Too short or too large paragraphs – each paragraph should not be less than 3 lines and should not exceed your other paragraphs. The amount of writing required to support your ideas should be more or less equal. The paragraphs should also not be too short since they all have to contain their own introductory sentence, body part and concluding sentence.
    • Huge citations – cite original sources only when it is really needed. Avoid useless citations intended merely to pour the water in your writing. Also, be sure to correctly format your citations according to chosen citation style. Remember to use specific format requirements for large citations (check your chosen citation style guide for more details).
    • Confused thoughts and ideas – it is important that your writing is easily understandable and ‘user-friendly‘. Whatever is the topic of your writing, it should be easy for reading. Avoid complicacy and rather simplify your thoughts.
  • Timely delivery. Make sure you upload your paper in time. If you fail to do so your paper may not be accepted.
  • Proofread your writing after completion.
  • Do not copy-paste. Plagiarized papers will be turned down immediately. An essay should contain your ideas, or your research. Be careful to cite your sources appropriately whenever you outsource your information.


  • Bob and Lisa are both married, working adults. They both plan for retirement and consider the $2,000 annual contribution a must.

    First, consider Lisa’s savings. She began working at age 20 and began making an annual contribution of $2,000 at the first of the year beginning with her first year. She makes 13 contributions. She worked until she was 32 and then left full time work to have children and be a stay at home mom. She left her IRA invested and plans to begin drawing from her IRA when she is 65.

    Bob started his IRA at age 32. The first 12 years of his working career, he used his discretionary income to buy a home, upgrade the family cars, take vacations, and pursue his golfing hobby. At age 32, he made his first $2,000 contribution to an IRA, and contributed $2,000 every year up until age 65, a total of 33 years / contributions. He plans to retire at age 65 and make withdrawals from his IRA.

    Both IRA accounts grow at a 7% annual rate. Do not consider any tax effect.

  • Write a two to three (2-3) paragraph summary in which you:
    • Create a chart summarizing the details of the investment for both Bob and Lisa.
    • Explain the results in terms of time value of money.

public administration reform and the future

  • Discuss statesmanship as it relates to public administration reform and the future. Discuss the challenges and opportunities that a would-be statesman would face in this area and the statecraft needed to lead successfully. Integrate Biblical principles and Biblical worldview into your personal thread and your replies to peers.


Please complete the journals in the attachment with 4-5 sentences.


Academic–Research a controversy in your academic field present your findings as a way to demonstrate understanding and awareness of the rhetorical concepts. Write to a less-informed but still educated audience.

The topic I chose to do my project on is Importance of Scientific research

I started the project and I sent my professor a copy and she commented on it and It needs a lot of editing and revising, feel free to add and rewrite it and make sure its professional and also following the instruction of assignment.

Please look at the files I attached and read carefully the instruction and follow it and also follow the grading criteria

create a simulated case study relevant to developmental psychology

Create a simulated case study, relevant to developmental psychology of a pre-school child, 2–5 years of age, who presents developmental challenges related to factors described by Piaget’s or Vygotsky’s developmental milestones and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory.

case study should be 1–2 pages in length and it should describe:

  • The child’s strengths and challenges.
  • The medical, family, and social context.
  • The developmental challenges evident in the behavior of the child.
  • Individual and cultural factors that theory and/or research indicate could impact the child’s development.
  • Any other factors you deem appropriate based on your understanding of the theory and related research.

To develop this case, you should:

  • Explore theory and research related to early childhood development in the cognitive domain.
  • Use either Piaget or Vygotsky to describe those age- or stage-related milestones expected at the age of your selected child.
  • Develop your case by creating a challenge for the child in the cognitive domain in early childhood. Describe what the child struggles with in not meeting the expected theoretical milestones in the cognitive domain.
  • Explore, through theory and research, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of the various systems that can influence development. Describe the typical influences in those systems that would likely be most evident for a child in the preschool years.
  • Develop your case study further by creating an environmental context for the child in specific systems in Bronfenbrenner’s theory. Include any specific issues that you want to explore through research, such as influences of a specific culture or ethnicity, specific socioeconomic status, family structure, attachment issues, and neighborhood context.
  • Maintain a resource list of the materials you consulted to build your case.

APA guidelines


Please complete the following assignment.. I am uploading the evidence table worksheet and also the week 4 worksheet on bipolar that i did so that you can work with it. I will also upload a sample that another student did so you can know what is required

Question 1 – We will be working on an Evaluation Table to be submitted this week. With a minimum of 5 articles you must review the literature to find appropriate articles to support your evidence-based project. Each article will be go through the critical appraisal process.. Complete Evidence Table as described in the Evidence Table Worksheet. Include Week 4 worksheet with completed Evidence Table

Question 2 – On the discussion board, using a minimum of two articles that are supporting your PICOT question, submit one paragraph synthesizing the research into clear, concise statements without separately reviewing each of the studies in the paragraph—but by paraphrasing and synthesizing the work that was done.

As you work on your capstone project proposal, you will want to share your progress with your peers and instructor and seek or provide guidance or share insights. By due date assigned , go to the Discussion Area and post responses to the discussion question. All responses should be posted to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources. Include the South University online library in your research activities utilizing not only the nursing resource database, but also those pertaining to education, business, and human resources.


I need an essay to get into the honors program

has to be about me as an individual and student

i have an essay i wrote to apply for a scholarship you can use that but just please add how I’m a good student and make it into a really good written essay because thats what there looking for


plagarism report at the end.

write 1 and half pages about internal control using the information on the slides provided

write 1 and half pages about “Internal Control” using the information on the slides provided.

– 1 and half pages single space.

– critical writing.

– use the slides as a reference.

– no cover page just the writing.


Warby Parker

Watch the video attached to the assignment and answer the following question using no less than 300 words:
