answer questions 244

Module 2 – Case

Decision Making, PowerPoint, and SWOT Analysis

Assignment Overview

Lisa McDonald is the new VP of HR at Company XYZ. She has been with this company for 4 years and is nervous of this demanding position. While working for Company XYZ as an HR Generalist, she went to school in the evenings and earned a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management at a local university. As a result of her education, she was the right person for the job when the VP of HR left the company without notice. Unfortunately, Company XYZ did not have a succession plan in place and the CEO decided to “throw” Lisa into this prestigious position of VP of HR. Her first big project was to figure out why productivity levels have been decreasing over the last three quarters. She decided to create a survey. She had all of the employees at Company XYZ take the survey.

After analyzing the results of the “Employee Climate and Work-life” survey, she learned that many of the employees feel as if they are overworked and burnt-out. After conducting some personal research and reviewing the data from the last survey, she learned that many of the employees have over 200 hours of unused sick-time (i.e., 5 weeks) and over 400 hours (i.e., 10 weeks) of unused vacation time. Her employees did not want to take any time off from work. She wondered if it was because they simply loved their job or if they were so overwhelmed with work, they could not afford to take time off from work.

After calling her favorite professor from college, she understands that she has some options. Perhaps it’s time to implement a condensed work week? Perhaps it’s time to give employees the option of working 10 hour shifts, 4 days per week? Perhaps it’s time to offer the senior employees the option of working 13 hour shifts, 3 days per week? Perhaps it is time to let employees telecommute? All of the options have potential and could increase productivity levels and the other issues that emerged from the survey. The only problem is that she needs to discuss the situation with the CEO before she can implement a new policy.

Some specific articles on this topic to get you started:

Dizaho, E. K., Salleh, R., & Abdullah, A. (2017). Achieving work life balance through flexible work schedules and arrangements. Global Business and Management Research, 9(1), 455-465. Retrieved from…

Wadsworth, L. L., & Facer, R. L. (2016). Work-family balance and alternative work schedules. Public Personnel Management, 45(4), 382-404.…

Beutell, N. J. (2010). Work schedule, work schedule control and satisfaction in relation to work-family conflict, work-family synergy, and domain satisfaction. Career Development International, 15(5), 501-518.…

Golden, L. (2001). Flexible work schedules: Which workers get them? The American Behavioral Scientist, 44(7), 1157-1178. Retrieved from…

Case Assignment

Once you have finished reading about this topic and reviewing the background materials, please write a 2-page paper (either in essay format or Q & A format) addressing the following questions:

  1. How should Lisa McDonald approach the situation? As the new VP of HR, is it worth implementing a new “controversial” policy (i.e., condensed work week) or is time for a routine work flow analysis and job analysis? Justify your response.
  2. Do you believe Company XYZ has an effective succession plan? Justify your response. What are the consequences of not having a succession plan?
  3. Conduct some research and familiarize yourself with the following terms: (a) job enlargement, (b) job rotation, and (c) job enrichment. Do you think a plausible solution for this situation is job enlargement, job sharing, job rotation, and/or job enrichment? Justify your response.
  4. As an HR Manager, what is the best way to gauge how your employees feel about a telecommuting policy (e.g., large meeting, anonymous survey, or one-on-one meetings)? Justify your response.
  5. If the CEO opposes telecommuting but is willing to hear some “options for a condensed work week” (i.e., 3 days a week with 13 hours shifts), what are the pros and cons of such a unique schedule?
  6. What if the CEO agrees to telecommuting? What would be some feasible rules and regulations so there is no confusion among the employees?

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i need a paper for the following topic in apa format

APA format is required – USE THE APA TEMPLATE.

Each question below must be addressed in your paper. Use an in-text heading to identify each question. Each question must also contain appropriate APA-formatted citations which match full references at the end of the paper, supporting your responses. All references should be from the years 2015 to present day.Each section should be at least 2-3 paragraphs in length.

Review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper.

  1. Describe the foundation of Deming’s “14 Points.”
  2. Read the case: Katz Carpeting, available in the Operations Management textbook, Chapter 7. If production of standards and specials is separated, how different will JIT implementation be for production of the different products? Explain what would be needed in JIT implantation for both products.
  3. Describe the two aspects to implementing the six-sigma concept.
  4. Describe the ten guidelines for selecting forecasting software.

Textbook(s) Required:

  • Reid, R.D., and Sanders, N. (2016). Operations management. 6th ed. Wiley.ISBN: 978-1118952610

poster work

Here I have upload attachment named “My Work”


Summarize the report file “My work” in the poster sample

*** The work is only one page, same as Poster sample.

peer reviews 10

peer reviews for three papers( similar to the paper which you wrote). the rubric is attached .


Task: Identify a news article that discusses a current event or social issue that relates to your field of study. Follow the instructions below to explain the issue, provide an additional example of the issue, connect the issue to your field of study, and pose questions about the issue.

i have a religion class discussion i have 16 hours total of zero and it hass to be with good grammar a bank collation of the top because of all christianity religion

In the prompt

Mmmmmmkk j j j j j j jj. J j j


This is considered as the final paper for my A&P 2 class and holds a huge grade. This assignment needs to be submitted through safe assign as well as should be presented in the class. All the information about the assignment including the rubrics and all is mentioned in the file attached below.

i need a good tutor to help me out to do some revisions

I need a good tutor to help me out to do some revisions. Have a look at the attached file I really want us to do it together thank you kindly bid on this work if you are very ready to help


In the slide titled “Contributions of Design”, we discuss various design strategies that a firm could adopt. Pick two out of the six strategies and provide examples of companies that use the strategies to achieve success.


my major is dental hygienist and one of the file for essay 4 english is the rubric and the second file is the 5 sources to use in my research paper. I would like the introduction paragraph to be done by tomorrow 5/15 before 10:00 P.M.And the whole essay to be done by 5/17 Essay needs be done in MLA format and work cited page. last but not least one of the files I attached is one of the sources you won’t be able to access as a link which is why I uploaded it. It’s the main one should be used because it’s scholarly. Thank you!