quantitive business analysis 1

Need help with Mod, 4, & 5 mastery excercises average questions per exercise is 10-15 per

week 5 assignment 53

Your Week 5 assignment focuses on interpreting and displaying the existing data you created last week. You will be working with pivot tables, charts, graphs, and notes. You are an angel investor looking to help develop startups in the Portland, Oregon area. You have obtained contact information for maker spaces, incubators, and small business accelerators around Oregon and want to focus your data to find what kind of organizations exist in Oregon and where the highest concentration of organizations are located. 1) Upload this file into your Google Drive: Oregon Startup Organizations 2) Select-all your data and create a pivot table. Rename your pivot table tab to “List by Type” 3) Create a new row in your pivot table with “Type” as your identifier. 4) Uncheck the “show totals” option in your new row 5) Create a new value with “Type” as your identifier, and use COUNTA as your function. 6) Look at your counted data and insert a note with the type of organization (makerspace, accelerator, incubator) that has the highest number of data rows. 7) Insert a pie chart next to your pivot table that graphically displays the breakdown of organizations by type. 8) Return to your original spreadsheet, select all again, and create a second pivot chart. Rename the tab for this pivot chart “List by Area” 9) Create a new row with “Service Area” as your identifier and deselect the “show totals” option. 10) Create a new value with “Service Area” as your identifier and use the COUNTA function to tally the organizations by area. Create a new Column with “Type” as the identifier. This will break down the data even further into types of organizations ordered by service area. 11) Insert a note about the area or areas where you could target the most incubators. 12) On the main spreadsheet, use conditional formatting to highlight any organization type that’s labeled “incubator” in Column G with light green. 13) Use conditional formatting in Column F to highlight any cell that has the word “Metro” in it with light blue. 14) Share your workbook and set to “anyone with a grantham.edu address can EDIT”. Copy and paste the link into your W5 assignment dropbox.


  • Review the World Health Organization’s (WHO) global health agenda in the Resources.
  • Identify and select one health issue at the global level that has implications at the local level.
  • Reflect on how a nurse leader might work with local authorities to inform and educate the local population about the global health issue you selected.

By Day 3 of Week 11

Post a summary of the global health issue you selected and explain how it has impacted the local population. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the data you would need to best inform/educate the local population about this global health issue. Describe at least one source you might consult and use to gather this data and provide a rationale for why you would consult this source.

esl essay writting

Prompt: What criteria do you value when choosing a university?

Requirement: 5 paragraphs

First paragraph: Introduction

Second to Fourth paragraph: Body paragraph(3 ideas into three paragraph, each paragraph only need one idea)

Fifty paragraph: Conclusion paragraph.

agree or disagree with the statement there is no objective right and wrong because people never agree about what is right and wrong

Answer the question below in a well-written, thoughtful essay:

Agree or disagree with the statement, “there is no objective right and wrong because people never agree about what is right and wrong”.

State your thesis, the answer you want to defend using at least three well-supported reasons embodying logic, reason, and research. Give possible objections to your arguments, answer these objections and restate your conclusion. Essays should include a Works Cited page following MLA Style.


TIA E CH06 – Laptop Alternatives 1.0

Project Description:

You are in need of a new laptop that is lightweight, but that has enough power to edit the videos you produce for your YouTube channel. You have asked a few of your friends for some suggestions. One friend put together a list of possible computers in an Excel workbook, the other friend created a list as a text file. You will import the text file into the Excel table, sort the data, then filter the data to display only those computers you are interested in. Using Excel you will use tables to sort, filter, and display data.

Steps to Perform:



Points Possible


Start Excel. Download and open the file named TIA_Ch6_Start. Save the file as TIA_Ch6_LastFirst.



Select cell A30, then import the tab-delimited text file, TIA_Ch6_TableText.txt, pressing Next at each screen to accept all defaults. (In Excel 2016 on the Inport Data dialog box, uncheck Add this data to the Data Model box, then click OK)



Format the range A1:M41 as a table, with Table Style Medium 13. Select Yes when asked to convert the selection to a table and remove all external connections.



Sort the data by Style (A to Z), then by Processor Speed (Largest to Smallest), then by RAM (Largest to Smallest)



Filter the data to display Ultrabooks with Intel Core i5 processors and Solid State Drives (SSDs).



Copy the header row and four rows that display after all filters have been applied. Open a new worksheet, and paste the copied data. Rename the worksheet Choices.



Wrap the text in cells A1:M1.



Resize the width of columns D, E, G, and M to 12.



Select cells A3:M3 and change the Fill Color to Yellow.



Enter the text The HP Ultrabook is my choice, as it has the most RAM, greatest storage capacity, and the best wireless standard of the four choices. in cell A8.



Save and close the file and then exit Excel. Submit the file as directed.


To access my ITlab. Login to:

1. https://my.maricopa.edu/ (Go to canvas)

2. Username: MAR2396217

Password: Eldadmm.89

3. Go to courses: PC 2019 SPRING-CIS105 14179

4. Open MyLab & Mastering

5. Go to Assignment Calendar

6. Go to TO DO and choose:

Final Exam Part 3: Solve This Grader Project: Laptop Alternatives

7. Download all the files and from there you can start your work

explain why one of these individuals extradited


In a one to two page paper, examine the situation surrounding one of the following individuals who were extradited forcibly for a crime committed. Explaining why the individual should have been or should not have been extradited. Make sure you use proper APA format and appropriately cite any outside sources used in this paper.

  • a. General Manuel Noriega
  • b. The 23 CIA employees extradited for the kidnapping of an Egyptian cleric in Milan, Italy in 2003.
  • c. Duane Dog Chapman
  • d. Roman Polanski

See pages 40-41 in our textbook to help you with this assignment.


Discuss how to access team productivity:

What conditions need to be in place for teams to excel and why?

Suggestion ways to design teamwork so that threats to performance is minimized

As a manager, how would you reward teamwork?

calculus ii 24

i need someone to solve these questions steps by steps written on papers please show all details till you reach the final result. look at the

down so you can see the questions

creating a powerpoint

create a 6-8 slide power point presentation on leadership and conflict management