a global environmental issue on death of the coral reefs

Introduction: One to two paragraphs: Introduce your topic. State why this topic is important to you and what you hope to learn about it.

Background on your topic: Two to three pages: Summarize what you learned about the history of your topic

Current state of affairs: What is going on now related to your topic? Has the situation gotten worse? What are the projections for the future.

Be objective: If controversy surrounds your issue, present both sides to your issue. Offer a strong rebuttal to your opposing sides.

Conclusion: What do you predict for the the future? Do we need a call for action?

Your paper should be at least four to five pages long and include a works cited page and annotated bibliography.

case study 1356

For this assignment, you will first review the following case study:

A textile manufacturer is closing its North Carolina plant and moving the production of its products to a developing nation in Southeast Asia. The primary reason for the move is because the lower labor cost will allow the organization to benefit from the new location. Proponents of the decision laud the move as a means to save the organization by taking advantage of the free market and finding cheaper methods of producing the company’s goods. Opponents of the decision state that a trust existed between the company and the employees and that a breach of trust will occur due to this decision. Additionally, opponents cite recent findings that contractors in the Southeast Asia region, where the company is moving, have been cited for utilizing child labor and failing to provide working conditions equivalent to those in the United States. Officials in the Southeast Asia region have answered the criticisms of the use of child labor by pointing out that oftentimes children are the only individuals in a family who are capable of working, and to deny them that opportunity would create even greater hardships on the already desperately poor population.

Next, review the article by Peslak (2005), and reflect on what you have learned about deontological (actions focused) and teleological (consequences focused) frameworks.

Peslak, A. R. (2005). An ethical exploration of privacy and radio frequency identification. Journal of Business Ethics, 59(4), 327-345.

For this assignment, you will now write a paper that discusses whether this move discussed in the case study is ethical from the perspective of ONE of the following stakeholders:

  • Workers in North Carolina,
  • Stockholders (owners), or
  • Workers in Asia.

Utilize an academic online Library to locate two sources to use as references to support your paper. Your paper should be two to three pages in length.

Be sure to include the rubric elements from the guidelines below:

  • The analysis should present an insightful and thorough discussion with strong arguments and evidence.
  • The content should be highly relevant and informative while remaining on topic.
  • Accuracy and close attention to detail should be clearly evident in all parts of the assignment.
  • The writing should be clear and concise with proper sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, and it should be free from spelling errors.
  • The number of sources should meet or exceed assignment requirements, and all sources should be academically credible and properly cited using APA formatting.

advantages and disadvantages of on demand business aviation

Here are the instructions from the professor:

Please number and state each question/statement and give each answer its own separate paragraph(s).

  1. What are the advantages of On-Demand Business Aviation to customers?
  2. What are the disadvantages associated with On-Demand Business Aviation?

Your report should include:

  • A cover page
    • Cover page includes your name, date, Course #, and Module Assignment #, Title
  • Number and state each question/requirement
  • 500 words minimum, not including references or the cover page
  • Citations and references formatted in current APA style.
  • Double-spaced
  • A reference page at the end of the report
  • A minimum of 3 references
    • Two references must be scholarly, peer-reviewed, and from reputable sources.
    • One textbook reference is acceptable.

Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.

This paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin. This is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

Review the Module Report rubric for detailed grading criteria.

Your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material!

Here is the grading criteria:

MGMT 203 1.3 Module Report Rubric

MGMT 203 1.3 Module Report Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Ideas

25.0 pts (Excellent – A) Excels in responding to assignment. Interesting, demonstrates sophistication of thought. Central idea/thesis is clearly communicated, worth developing; limited enough to be manageable. Paper recognizes some complexity of its thesis: may acknowledge its contradictions, qualifications, or limits and follow out their logical implications. Understands and critically evaluates its sources, appropriately limits and defines terms.

23.0 pts (Above-Average – B) A solid paper, responding appropriately to assignment. Clearly states thesis/central idea, but may have minor lapses in development. Begins to acknowledge the complexity of central idea and the possibility of other points of view. Shows careful reading of sources, but may not evaluate them critically. Attempts to define terms, not always successfully.

21.0 pts (Average РC) Adequate, but weaker and less effective, possibly responding less well to assignment. Presents central idea in general terms, often depending on platitudes or clich̩s. Usually does not acknowledge other views. Shows basic comprehension of sources, perhaps with lapses in understanding. If it defines terms, often depends on dictionary definitions.

19.0 pts (Near-Failing – D) Does not have a clear central idea or does not respond appropriately to the assignment. Thesis may be too vague or obvious to be developed effectively. Paper may misunderstand sources.

17.0 pts (Failing – F) No central idea and does not address the assignment. Unmanageable thesis or the thesis is non-existent. Paper is not coherent.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Organization and Coherence

20.0 pts (Excellent – A) Uses a logical structure appropriate to paper’s subject, purpose, audience, thesis, and disciplinary field. Sophisticated transitional sentences often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas.

18.0 pts (Above-Average – B) Shows a logical progression of ideas and uses fairly sophisticated transitional devices; e.g., may move from least to more important idea. Some logical links may be faulty, but each paragraph clearly relates to paper’s central idea.

16.0 pts (Average – C) May list ideas or arrange them randomly rather than using any evident logical structure. May use transitions, but they are likely to be sequential (first, second, third) rather than logic-based. While each paragraph may relate to central idea, logic is not always clear. Paragraphs have topic sentences but may be overly general, and arrangement of sentences within paragraphs may lack coherence.

14.0 pts (Near-Failing – D) May have random organization, lacking internal paragraph coherence and using few or inappropriate transitions. Paragraphs may lack topic sentences or main ideas, or may be too general or too specific to be effective. Paragraphs may not all relate to paper’s thesis.

12.0 pts (Failing – F) Unorganized, not coherent, and very difficult to read. No connection to thesis. Paragraphs do not relate or connect.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Support

20.0 pts Full Marks

(Excellent – A) Uses evidence appropriately and effectively, providing sufficient evidence and explanation to convince.

18.0 pts (Above-Average – B) Begins to offer reasons to support its points, perhaps using varied kinds of evidence. Begins to interpret the evidence and explain connections between evidence and main ideas. Its examples bear some relevance.

16.0 pts (Average – C) Often uses generalizations to support its points. May use examples, but they may be obvious or not relevant. Often depends on unsupported opinion or personal experience, or assumes that evidence speaks for itself and needs no application to the point being discussed. Often has lapses in logic.

14.0 pts (Near-Failing РD) Depends on clich̩s or over-generalizations for support, or offers little evidence of any kind. May be personal narrative rather than essay, or summary rather than analysis.

12.0 pts (Failing – F) No viable support or evidence.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Links to Course Readings and Additional Research

20.0 pts (Excellent – A) Excellent research into the issues with clearly documented links to class (and/or outside) readings.

18.0 pts (Above-Average – B) Good research and documented links to the material read.

16.0 pts (Average – C) Limited research and documented links to any readings.

14.0 pts (Near-Failing – D) Incomplete research and links to any readings.

12.0 pts (Failing – F) Provided no references or support of analysis.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Style and Mechanics

15.0 pts (Excellent – A) Chooses words for their precise meaning and uses an appropriate level of specificity. Sentence style fits audience and purpose. Sentences clearly structured and carefully focused. Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors.

12.0 pts (Above-Average – B) Generally uses words accurately and effectively, but may be too general. Sentences generally clear, structured, and focused, though some may be awkward or ineffective. May contain a few errors, which may annoy the reader but not impede understanding.

10.0 pts (Average – C) Uses relatively vague and general words, may use some inappropriate language. Sentence’s structure generally correct, but sentences may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing. Usually contains several mechanical errors, which may temporarily confuse the reader but not impede the overall understanding.

8.0 pts (Near-Failing – D) Tends to being vague and abstract, or very personal and specific. Usually contains several awkward or ungrammatical sentences; sentence structure is simple or monotonous. Usually contains either many mechanical errors or a few important errors that block the reader’s understanding and ability to see connections between thoughts.

6.0 pts (Failing – F) Misuse of words throughout. Awkward sentences throughout. Difficult to attach a thought process. Poorly punctuated, misspelled words, grammatically abusive.

15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

reading three articles and write main ideas then compare these in one paragraph in global studies terms 1

EACH articles main idea only need three sentences.

and then compare these main idea in global studies terms in one paragraph.

I upload the articles in upload files.

abnormal psychology 24

Discuss the various assessment techniques utilized to make a diagnosis. Be sure to include the importance of the clinical interview and how the assessments lend to diagnosing with the DSM. In addition, evaluate the current DSM (DSM-V) compared to the DSM-IV-TR discussing criticisms and your opinion. Must be at least 500 words..

marketing plan powerpoint

Prepare an APA formatted10-12 slide PowerPoint on your Marketing Plan and include references.

Feel free to include embedded videos and slide notes. See Marketing Plan attached

what have you learned about mental health

  1. Please visit the Time to Change website. https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/about-mental-health
  2. Summarize in a minimum of at least three (3) paragraphs what you learned about Mental Health.
  3. Discuss any ideas you may have to support Mental Health awareness and how to improve its outcome.
  4. Include and cite references to support your answer.

help in case study 2 3 page paper

Case Study: Who Is a Progressive?

Use the link below:

Construct the case study by responding to the following prompts:
•According to Roosevelt, what are the characteristics of a progressive?
•Explain what are the characteristics of those who are “anti-progressive” and what types of activities do they engage in?
•What are the goals of progressivism and what areas of society should be addressed?
•Analyze what progressive achievements does Roosevelt highlight in his speech?

Make sure to cite and reference sources. Make sure that the writing is clear, well-developed, and free from spelling and grammatical errors.

Length: 2-3 pages (not including title page or references page).

discussion and case study 1

Part 1 – Question 1 (min 300 words)

Question 2

Part – 2 Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

electronics 3

I will post the questions below and I need help solving them total of 8 electronics Questions