Article Question Review Savvy Essay Writers
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Article Question Review
Lattal et al. (2017)
1. In your own words, summarize one of the definitions of resurgence (currently used by most text books) presented in section #2.
Resurgence is said to occur when a previously learned response recurs following a hiatus from that response, during which time some other response first is reinforced and thereafter extinguished” (Lattal and St. Peter Pipkin, 2009, p. 254).
2. Use the last paragraph of Section #2 to help you complete the diagram below that incorporates the common elements of resurgence’s current definition and depicts the experimental arrangement typically used to study resurgence (Hint: 2 through 4). Describe the steps that are used to study resurgence.
· Phase I: T= ______ phase
o During this phase the resurgent/target bx is _______
· Phase II: AR=________ phase
o During this phase the
§ The resurgent/target behavior is _________
§ and an alternative behavior is ___________
· Phase III: RT= ________ phase
o During this phase the
§ The resurgent/target behavior remains on ______
§ and the alternative behavior is placed on ______ too
** If levels of the target response are higher in Phase _____, than at the end of Phase ___ then resurgence is said to have occurred.
3. Given that resurgence is a transient/short-lived phenomenon and our field’s emphasis on repeated measures and steady state responding- resurgence has been challenging to study. Summarize one of the experimental arrangements presented in Section #4 that have overcome this challenge.
4. Based on the results of daSilva et al. (2008), a prior history of ________ is required for the target behavior to resurge.
5. Based on the results of daSilva et al. (2008) Experiments 2 & 3, does the target response have to be placed on extinction during Phase II/the AR Phase to see it resurge during Phase III/RT phase? What procedures can additionally produce resurgence?
6. Does the alternative response have to placed on extinction during Phase III/the RT Phase in order to produce resurgence of the target response? Briefly justify your answer.
7. How can stimulus conditions (same throughout all phases or different contexts) effect resurgence?
8. Now state the refined definition of resurgence presented in section 9.
Greer et al. (2016)
**** Critical refresher objectives: Definitions of multiple and concurrent schedules, extinction,
9. State 4 common disrupters. Summarize one of the research examples discussed by the authors, for one of the disrupters you listed.
Please complete activity 1 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide).
10. What did your data show? That is, how do denser or leaner schedules of reinforcement impact resurgence?
11. BMT does not regard response rate as a good/sensitive measure of ‘strength’. In BMT ‘strength’ is a behavior’s mass. How is a behavior’s mass determined?
12. What is activity #2 designed to demonstrate?
Please complete activity 2 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide).
13. What did your data show? That is, how do denser or leaner schedules of reinforcement impact resurgence?
14. What is activity #3 designed to demonstrate?
Please complete activity 3 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide).
15. What did your data show? That is, how is resurgence impacted by having more or less sessions with extinction for the target behavior during phase II?
Kestner, Redner, Watkins, & Poling (2015)
** Critical refresher objectives: Definitions of FCT (functional communication training), treatment integrity, DRA
16. Summarize the three experimental phases typically used to demonstrate resurgence discussed on page 315. State the criteria that need to be met to say that resurgence as occurred. How do these three phases mirror what might happen in an applied context? Hint: think about poor treatment integrity following a DRA procedure.
17. What was the purpose/point of the current study?
18. Use the methods section to complete the following diagram. This should help increase your understanding of the critical aspects of the experimental arrangement. Describe how the phases of the study were conducted.
Pre-Experimental Training Phase:
During this phase the sound of ______ was conditioned as a reinforcer
During this phase the __________ response (B1) was established. Initially it was reinforced on a ______ schedule that was faded to a ____________ schedule.
Phase 1:
· During this phase ____________ responses (B1) were reinforced on a ______ schedule.
Training Phase:
· During this part of training, the _______ response (B2) was taught. Initially it was reinforced on a ______ schedule that was faded to a ____________ schedule.
Phase II:
· Experimental Group:
o During this phase the ______ response (B1) was placed on _______ (meaning that food was no longer provided following the response). Additionally, the ______ response produced a (small) foot _________.
o While the __________ response (B2) continued to produce _______ on a VI 30 s schedule.
· Control Group:
o During this phase for half the rats, the _______ response (B1) was placed on ______ and _______ additional consequence followed it.
o While the __________ response (B2) continued to produce _______ on a VI 30 s schedule.
Phase III: Resurgence test
· All consequences for lever presses and nose pokes are __________
19. Examine figure 1. During Phase II, what happens to rates of lever pressing (B1) when it is placed on extinction and nose pokes are reinforced instead?
· Now what happens to rates of lever pressing when nose pokes are placed on extinction in Phase III?
20. Examine figure 2.
· During Phase II, what happens to rates of lever pressing (B1) when it is placed on Punishment + extinction and nose pokes are reinforced instead?
· Now what happens to rates of lever pressing when nose pokes are placed on extinction in Phase III?
21. So what do the present results indicate regarding punishment and resurgence?
22. The authors make a special point that in applied context this methods could only used with a socially acceptable and innocuous punisher (that is, the possibility of resurgence is not sufficient to justify a high magnitude punisher). So, what are some punishment procedures/punishers that could be used in an applied context?
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