Article Question Review Savvy Essay Writers

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Article Question Review


Lattal et al. (2017)

1. In your own words, summarize one of the definitions of resurgence (currently used by most text books) presented in section #2. 

Resurgence is said to occur when a previously learned response recurs following a hiatus from that response, during which time some other response first is reinforced and thereafter extinguished” (Lattal and St. Peter Pipkin, 2009, p. 254).

2. Use the last paragraph of Section #2 to help you complete the diagram below that incorporates the common elements of resurgence’s current definition and depicts the experimental arrangement typically used to study resurgence (Hint: 2 through 4). Describe the steps that are used to study resurgence. 

· Phase I: T= ______ phase 

o During this phase the resurgent/target bx is _______ 

· Phase II: AR=________ phase 

o During this phase the 

§ The resurgent/target behavior is _________ 

§ and an alternative behavior is ___________ 

· Phase III: RT= ________ phase 

o During this phase the 

§ The resurgent/target behavior remains on ______

§ and the alternative behavior is placed on ______ too 

** If levels of the target response are higher in Phase _____, than at the end of Phase ___ then resurgence is said to have occurred. 

3. Given that resurgence is a transient/short-lived phenomenon and our field’s emphasis on repeated measures and steady state responding- resurgence has been challenging to study. Summarize one of the experimental arrangements presented in Section #4 that have overcome this challenge. 

4. Based on the results of daSilva et al. (2008), a prior history of ________ is required for the target behavior to resurge. 

5. Based on the results of daSilva et al. (2008) Experiments 2 & 3, does the target response have to be placed on extinction during Phase II/the AR Phase to see it resurge during Phase III/RT phase? What procedures can additionally produce resurgence? 

6. Does the alternative response have to placed on extinction during Phase III/the RT Phase in order to produce resurgence of the target response? Briefly justify your answer. 

7. How can stimulus conditions (same throughout all phases or different contexts) effect resurgence? 

8. Now state the refined definition of resurgence presented in section 9. 


Greer et al. (2016)

**** Critical refresher objectives: Definitions of multiple and concurrent schedules, extinction,

9. State 4 common disrupters. Summarize one of the research examples discussed by the authors, for one of the disrupters you listed. 

Please complete activity 1 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide). 

10. What did your data show? That is, how do denser or leaner schedules of reinforcement impact resurgence? 

11. BMT does not regard response rate as a good/sensitive measure of ‘strength’. In BMT ‘strength’ is a behavior’s mass. How is a behavior’s mass determined? 

12. What is activity #2 designed to demonstrate? 

Please complete activity 2 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide). 

13. What did your data show? That is, how do denser or leaner schedules of reinforcement impact resurgence?  

14. What is activity #3 designed to demonstrate? 

Please complete activity 3 using the excel sheet titled ‘Supplementary Behavior momentum theory’. (You will submit your excel spreadsheet with all the completed activities along with the prep guide).

15. What did your data show? That is, how is resurgence impacted by having more or less sessions with extinction for the target behavior during phase II? 


Kestner, Redner, Watkins, & Poling (2015)

** Critical refresher objectives: Definitions of FCT (functional communication training), treatment integrity, DRA

16. Summarize the three experimental phases typically used to demonstrate resurgence discussed on page 315. State the criteria that need to be met to say that resurgence as occurred. How do these three phases mirror what might happen in an applied context? Hint: think about poor treatment integrity following a DRA procedure.

17. What was the purpose/point of the current study?

18. Use the methods section to complete the following diagram. This should help increase your understanding of the critical aspects of the experimental arrangement. Describe how the phases of the study were conducted. 

Pre-Experimental Training Phase: 

During this phase the sound of ______ was conditioned as a reinforcer 

During this phase the __________ response (B1) was established. Initially it was reinforced on a ______ schedule that was faded to a ____________ schedule. 

Phase 1: 

· During this phase ____________ responses (B1) were reinforced on a ______ schedule.

Training Phase: 

· During this part of training, the _______ response (B2) was taught. Initially it was reinforced on a ______ schedule that was faded to a ____________ schedule. 

Phase II: 

· Experimental Group: 

o During this phase the ______ response (B1) was placed on _______ (meaning that food was no longer provided following the response). Additionally, the ______ response produced a (small) foot _________. 

o While the __________ response (B2) continued to produce _______ on a VI 30 s schedule. 

· Control Group: 

o During this phase for half the rats, the _______ response (B1) was placed on ______ and _______ additional consequence followed it. 

o While the __________ response (B2) continued to produce _______ on a VI 30 s schedule. 

Phase III: Resurgence test 

· All consequences for lever presses and nose pokes are __________ 

19. Examine figure 1. During Phase II, what happens to rates of lever pressing (B1) when it is placed on extinction and nose pokes are reinforced instead?  

· Now what happens to rates of lever pressing when nose pokes are placed on extinction in Phase III? 

20. Examine figure 2. 

· During Phase II, what happens to rates of lever pressing (B1) when it is placed on Punishment + extinction and nose pokes are reinforced instead? 

· Now what happens to rates of lever pressing when nose pokes are placed on extinction in Phase III? 

21. So what do the present results indicate regarding punishment and resurgence? 

22. The authors make a special point that in applied context this methods could only used with a socially acceptable and innocuous punisher (that is, the possibility of resurgence is not sufficient to justify a high magnitude punisher). So, what are some punishment procedures/punishers that could be used in an applied context? 

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I’m looking to get help with my final research paper for Environmental Science. The subject is World Heath Problems. What are the biggest world health problems facing the World Health Organization and the World today? Hunger, AIDS, Cancer, or is it some Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

I’m looking to get help with my final research paper for Environmental Science. The subject is World Heath Problems. What are the biggest world health problems facing the World Health Organization and the World today? Hunger, AIDS, Cancer, or is it some


I’m looking to get help with my final research paper for Environmental Science.

The subject is World Heath Problems.

What are the biggest world health problems facing the World Health Organization and the World today? Hunger, AIDS, Cancer, or is it something else?

What is the problem?

What are its consequences?

What is being done about it?

There are requirements as follows:

Research Papers Papers should be 7 -10 pages (Typed and double spaced, about 2000 – 2500 words), with 1-3 pages of references (APA Style – See example at the end of the section) (Not Including Web Pages). Papers may exceed theses lengths.

Use Correct Spelling and Proper Grammar.

Direct quotes should be footnoted.

Do not use references from ANY encyclopedic works.

Plagiarism will result in a “0” grade.

No more than three Internet sources may be used.

At least one source must be from a book other than the textbook.

You may not use your textbook as a reference.

Each question mention in the topics must be addressed in the paper. 

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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400 word Epidemiology Discussion (Epidemiological Theory: Social Determinants of Health) Savvy Essay Writers

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400 word Epidemiology Discussion (Epidemiological Theory: Social Determinants of Health)

Due 8/29 7 p.m EST


400 words not including title & min 3 ref APA

Select a Peer Reviewed Article


A host of factors affect your health status at the individual or community level. Whether you are healthy or not is primarily determined by your biology, genetic predispositions, and behavior. To a large extent, your social and physical conditions along with existing medical care and health policy have considerable impact on your health and ultimately disease risk or occurrence. The social and physical conditions are the social determinants—the places you are born, grow up, live, learn, play, and work and your age— that affect a wide range of health and health outcomes including quality of life.

Understanding and addressing multiple aspects of social determinants are essential for the development of epidemiological theories. These theories encourage epidemiologists to think critically and systematically about integral connections between social determinants and disease occurrence. From these theories epidemiologists also gain insight, responsibility, and accountability to translate the vision of a healthier society to a reality.

For this Discussion,  consider different theories of social determinant of health and their impact on epidemiology. Then select a peer-reviewed article  that focuses on a specific theory of social determinants of health.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief explanation of the theory the article used and how the theory was applied to the field of epidemiology. Explain how you might integrate the theory into your dissertation research and the importance of framing your research within a theory or model. Provide a rationale using scholarly resources.

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More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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HA415 Unit 5 Discussion 2 and 3 Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

HA415 Unit 5 Discussion 2 and 3

In two different paragraph give your personal opinion to  Casie Woodruff  and Tejay Barton 

Tejay Barton 

Entitlement programs are services that are provided by the federal government. These services are written into law. Entitlements can be broken up into two separate categories, contributory and non-contributory (n.d.). Contributory programs are paid for by the individual reviving the benefit. This usually comes as a tax or payroll deduction. Non-contributory programs are provided to anyone who qualifies regardless of what they have contributed.

 Medicaid is a good example of a medical entitlement program. This program is provided that mostly assist low income families with the cost of health care. Medicaid is considered a Non-contributory program because the beneficiaries don’t have to pay into the program to receive benefits(n.d.). Medicaid can be thought of as government provided health insurance to people that don’t have the financial means to access insurance on their own.

Medicare is a medical entitlement program that assists elderly people afford health care. This program is being funded by taxation of income. It is required for all Americans to participate in this program. Since everyone is paying into the program it is considered a contributory program(n.d.). The only way to Medicare in the future is to prove that you paid into the program.

Unlike other government programs entailment programs are considered a human right. These rights have been written into federal law. Like most federal programs these benefits are not free from debate. The argument is usually about the amount spent on the programs. Sixty percent of the national budget is spent on entailment programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid(U.S. 2019)


(n.d.) Entitlement Programs. Retrieved from


U.S. Government. (2019). A Budget for a Better America, Promises Kept, Taxpayers First. Retrieved Aug 31, 2019, from

Casie Woodruff 

What is a government entitlement program? Provide an example of a healthcare entitlement program. How is it typically funded? How do entitlement programs differ from other government programs? 

A government entitlement program helps take care of our elderly, the disabled, and those individuals who cannot afford health insurance. Those programs include Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. We are in desperate need of modernizing and reforming these programs so that there is a greater impact on every citizen. We have to not only focus on the present but the future of our seniors. If we don’t work on these programs “they will consume every dollar the government collects”. There will be no money left over to improve our schools, defend our country from its enemies, clean our environment, or repair roads and bridges (US Chamber of Commerce, 2013). We especially need to work on these programs because Americans are living longer and require more benefits. Entitlement programs do not fund themselves. One way they are funded is through trust funds. Social securities fund will be diminished in 3 years; by 2033, it will not be able to pay full benefits. Medicare Part A will be bankrupt in 13 years. If we had to pay the cost to make up these deficits, our country would go bankrupt. Absent reform, the situation will soon require either economy-crushing new taxes or painful benefit cuts in the programs—or both (US Chamber of Commerce, 2013). Money is even being pulled from other parts of the budget, but that can only last so long. There are several types of reform that are available—“adjustments in payments, benefits, eligibility, administration, and coverage”. Other government programs, like Welfare programs, are funded by the federal government and then Congress can reduce the funds. The difference between entitlement programs and other government funds is that “the Welfare programs are based on a families income”. Entitlement programs base eligibility upon prior contributions from payroll taxes (Amadeo, 2019). Some examples of Welfare programs include Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, housing assistance, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs. 

Amadeo, K. 25 Jun 2019. The Balance: US Welfare Programs, The Myths Versus the Facts. Retrieved from URL address:

Josten, R. 18 Jun 2013. U.S. Chamber of Commerce: 10 Truths About America’s Entitlement Programs. Retrieved from URL address:

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Can i get help on this question in the description Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Can i get help on this question in the description

There are many reimbursement methods that are utilized to reimburse physicians and facilities for the services and procedures that they provide to patients. A physician and the facility must keep track of the services and procedures that they are providing to the patients to bill out and receive the appropriate reimbursement. The chargemaster or charge description master (CDM) is the billing process that is used in all health care facilities, and it is updated yearly.

Focus your discussion on the following questions:

  • What are the consequences of not utilizing current codes and charges? Discuss how using last year’s CDM will affect the current year’s bottom line.
  • Will this create a positive or negative result for the health care facility? Explain your answer.
  • How can facilities ensure that the current CDM is used?

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Debate Question Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Debate Question

  • For Post #1, provide a paragraph (or two) summary of your paper, and make a persuasive case for TWO changes to the constitution (amendments, removal, etc.). 
  • For Post #2, please review the first posts from your classmates.  Is there any community of consensus?  If our class represented delegates to a convention, what proposed amendments received super majority status?
  • For Post #3, discuss a classmates’ idea for constitutional change that you did not consider yourself.  What makes this idea either good or bad for our foundational document?

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Course Project – Part IV Tools For A Health Services Manager Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Course Project – Part IV Tools For A Health Services Manager

This week you are asked to prepare a summary of the tools that you have prepared to present to management. This summary should include a definition and/or description of each of the tools that you have prepared. Explain how each of these tools is used by a health services manager.


Following are the tools that you have prepared:




Part I Mission, Vision, and Values


Part II Policy/Procedure


Part III Organization Chart

Also this week, you need to present all of the tools listed above to your manager (instructor) in a portfolio. You should consider the comments that your instructor has provided on your previous assignments when making revisions for you final submittal.

You will be graded on the professionalism of your portfolio and tools. Make your tools as “real” and workable as possible. If you need to, please review the Course Project Introduction in Week 02 for a general overview of this project. Each part of the project will include a short lecture about the tool or tools that you will be preparing that week. These notes and instructions must be taken into consideration as you prepare your tools. Points will also be deducted for errors in spelling and/or grammar.

You should submit all of your tools and your summary in the same drop box submission.


Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Evidence based practice Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Evidence based practice


For this assignment, you will complete a 2- to 3-page Evidence Based Practice (EBP) report based on a case study. From the Institute for Healthcare Improvement source below, select one of the case studies related to improving healthcare:

Your report should include the following sections:

1. Introduction:

a. 300-400 words explaining evidence-based practice and decision making.

b. Identify the case study you will examine.

2. EBP Steps:

o Frame 2-3 questions based on the case study you chose to research.

o Acquire evidence to help answer your questions. Identify 3-4 scholarly articles related to your question. The articles should be formatted properly within the body of your paper.

o Appraise the evidence (scholarly articles). Analyze and explain how the selected articles answer your posed questions.

o Integrate the information, make an informed decision based on your selected case study, and rationalize improvement of health outcomes.

o Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency in executing Steps 1-4 and provide ways to improve in the future.

3. Conclusion:

– 200-300 words summarizing your findings and EBP process.

Make sure to cite and make reference list APA Format. 

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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Healthcare Administration Capstone Discussion 2/1 Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Healthcare Administration Capstone Discussion 2/1


Program Outcome 2

Please respond to the following discussion topic. initial post should be a minimum of 150 words in length. Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts.

Program Outcome 2: Manage the performance of health professionals in diverse organizational environments.

As you are finishing the final course of your program and completing your ePortfolio, reflect back on prior coursework and discuss how you believe that this program objective has helped or will help you professionally. You are encouraged to relate examples in your response.

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

More than 5000 subject matter experts deliver comprehensive online assignment help at some of the most economical prices in the industry. Fantastic grades are guaranteed when you get your Savvy Essay online assignments done by our formidable army of experts. Our prices are light on the pocket, and our quality online Savvy assignment help is a beacon of academic rigor. Try our Savvy Essay Writers today

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