3 Page APA on Ethics Savvy Essay Writers

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3 Page APA on Ethics

Format: APA Paper (With an abstract). 

Explain the differences, importance, and purpose of both the code of conduct and the code of ethics. Secondly, tell me about some of the factors that you would use to make ethical hiring decisions in an organization. Why would these be important to include in the hiring process (Example of things that you might include: Legal Ground Rules or other items in our reading material or library that would be considered in the process). 

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Human Sciences Exam Savvy Essay Writers

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Human Sciences Exam


Question 1: To what extent, if at all, should the human sciences seek to emulate the methods and procedures of the natural sciences?


Question 2: To what extent do the human sciences need to understand action from an ‘internal perspective’, i.e. by considering the motives, intentions, and purposes of the subjects of investigation? What methods are best suited to this task?

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economics Savvy Essay Writers

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 Find a wall street Journal article for all 8 subheads in the epilogue section of the book found on page 593 and write a paragraph on each sunhead stating your opinion and claims. 2 pages single spaced. 

you have to find a wall street article that relates to each of the 8 subtopics under epilogue and write a paragraph on each article  state your claims and opinions

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EDU 673 Week 4 Assignment Creating A Unit Plan Savvy Essay Writers

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EDU 673 Week 4 Assignment Creating A Unit Plan

EDU 673 Week 4 Assignment Creating A Unit Plan


Week 4 – Assignment

Creating a Unit Plan  Once you’ve gotten to know your students through learning profile inventories that identify individual areas of strength and learning styles, you can design multimodal lessons that incorporate instructional technology that engage the 21st century learner. This week, you will create a three-day unit plan outline that addresses students’ diverse learning styles and multiple intelligences, acknowledges cultural and language differences, and integrates digital tools and technology.  Using the textbook as guidance, create a Unit Plan outline, using the provided template that includes:   Introduction: Describe the demographics of your current (or fictional classroom) including:

  • Grade Level and Subject Area 
  • Total number of students – ability levels, gender, students with special needs, English Language Learners (ELLs) 
  • Other relevant information (such as socioeconomic status, family background, recurring behavior issues, etc.) 

Stage 1: The first stage is to determine the “Big Picture”; what you want students to learn, conceptually, at the unit’s conclusion. You must:

  • Identify the content, unit title, unit subject, and at least one Common Core State Standard (CCSS) that aligns with the unit. 
  • Create at least two measurable unit objectives that align with the CCSS. 
  • Describe what you want the students to master including key concepts, “big ideas”, and major understandings (see the textbook, Chapter 4 for guidance). 

The following resources are helpful when creating Stage 1:

Stage 2: The second stage outlines evidence of learning including pre-assessments, formative assessments, and a summative assessment.

  • Pre-assessment: Explain how you will measure student’s level of readiness and preexisting knowledge specific to the content chosen. Include how you will take into account student strengths, interests, and learning needs. 
  • Formative Assessment: Explain how you will use formative assessments to drive differentiated instruction throughout the unit specific to the content you’ve chosen. Be sure to include how these assessments address UDL principals. 
  • Summative Assessment: Design a summative assessment that will measure the student’s level of unit mastery. You must include how this assessment addresses UDL principals and DI theory and how the assessment takes into account your diverse student population. 

Stage 3: The final stage of the unit plan involves developing the activities and experiences, building upon what you determined in Stage 1. “This stage involves tailoring learning activities to the identified strengths, learning styles, and interests of students, organizing lessons in a meaningful way that emphasizes the relevance of the learning, and engaging the learners with active learning strategies”(Chapter 4, pp. 5-6). In addition, this stage should also incorporate self-regulation strategies (behavior management).  In Stage 3 you must:

  • List the daily breakdown of lesson topics to meet the final unit goal and that also addresses differentiated instruction and UDL. For example: 
    • 9th Grade English, Unit: Character Analysis 
    • Unit Goal: Students will use a word processing program to write an analysis of Holden Caulfield (main character in The Catcher in the Rye) and how his behavior is indicative of typical adolescence 
    • Day 1: Pre-assessment, introduction to book 
    • Day 2: Watch parts of “Dead Poet Society” with discussion 
    • Day 3: Writing Prompt (based on initial book chapters) 
    • Days 4-5: Graphic organizer- begin building character analysis with teacher-selected partner 
  • Describe how each daily activity incorporates differentiated instruction and UDL. 
  • Discuss two technology tools that will be incorporated throughout the unit including how each addresses differentiated instruction, how each will be used to aid instruction and how each is an example of universal design. Be sure to support with evidence from at least one scholarly source. 
  • Describe which self-regulation strategies have been built into the lesson and how they are reinforced and differentiated depending on the student’s level of need. 

Instructive tools to consider for your lesson:

Use your course text and at least two other sources (either scholarly article or online resource). ./Your paper will be formatted according to APA guidelines including title and reference pages.  Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be
Assignment: Creating a Unit Plan: Template Guide  Introduction • A   brief description of your current (or fictional classroom) • Grade   Level & Content Area • Total number of students – ability levels,   gender, students with special needs, English language learners (ELLs) • Other   relevant information (such as socioeconomic status, family background,   recurring behavior issues, etc.)  Stage 1: This FIRST stage is to determine the “Big Picture”; what you want students to   learn, conceptually, at the unit’s conclusion. (For the purpose of this   class, consider a unit to be three days) • What   is the content area? (e.g.: math, science, social studies, English…) • Common   Core State Standard: The state’s   required standard of mastery • Measurable   Unit Objective: What you want the   students to master at the end of the unit 1. The students will (measurable verb) by (activity)   with (___% of accuracy) 2. The   students will (measurable verb) by (activity) with (___% of accuracy) Online Resources: o http://www.corestandards.org/thestandards  o http://teachonline.asu.edu/2012/07/writingmeasurablelearningobjectives/  o http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/P21CommonCoreToolkit.pdf   Stage 2: The second stage outlines evidence of Learning including   pre-assessments, formative assessments, and a summative assessmentPre-assessment:   explain how you will measure student’s level of readiness and preexisting   knowledge specific to the content chosen. Include how you will take into account   student strengths, interests, and learning needs • Formative   Assessment: Explain how you will   use formative assessments to drive differentiated instruction throughout the   unit specific to the content you’ve chosen. Be sure to include how these   assessments address UDL principals. • Summative Assessment: Design a summative   assessment that will measure the student’s level of unit mastery. You must   include how this assessment addresses UDL principals, DI theory, and takes   into account your diverse student population.  Stage 3: The final stage of the unit plan involves developing the activities and experiences.  Unit Goal: The final   demonstration of mastery driven by the CCSS.   Day   1: Learning Objective At the conclusion of this lesson, students will (measurable action verb)   by (activity) with ____% accuracy.  Activity: A brief description the   activity students will complete to master the lesson objective that   incorporates differentiation and UDL techniques.
Formative Assessment: How   will the lesson objective be assessed? (e.g.: worksheet, journal, project, etc…)  Technology How will this technology tool be incorporated and how does it address differentiated instruction with   supporting evidence from at least one scholarly citation, how it will be used   to aid instruction, and how it is an example of universal design.  What   self-regulation strategies have been built into the lesson, how they are   reinforced, and differentiated depending on the student’s level of need.  Day   2: Learning Objective At the conclusion of this lesson, students will (measurable action verb)   by (activity) with ____% accuracy.  Activity: A brief   description the activity students will complete to master the lesson   objective that incorporates differentiation and UDL techniques.
Formative Assessment: How   will the lesson objective be assessed? (e.g.: worksheet, journal, project, etc…)  Technology How will this technology tool be incorporated and how does it address differentiated instruction with   supporting evidence from at least one scholarly citation, how it will be used   to aid instruction, and how it is an example of universal design.  What   self-regulation strategies have been built into the lesson, how they are   reinforced, and differentiated depending on the student’s level of need.  Day   3: Learning Objective At the conclusion of this lesson, students will (measurable action verb)   by (activity) with ____% accuracy.  Activity: A brief   description the activity students will complete to master the lesson   objective that incorporates differentiation and UDL techniques.
Formative Assessment: How   will the lesson objective be assessed? (e.g.: worksheet, journal, project, etc…)  Technology How will this technology tool be incorporated and how does it address differentiated instruction with   supporting evidence from at least one scholarly citation, how it will be used   to aid instruction, and how it is an example of universal design.
What self-regulation strategies have been built into the lesson, how they are reinforced, and differentiated depending on the student’s level of need.  

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Sustainable Development Goals Savvy Essay Writers

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Sustainable Development Goals

On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  (Links to an external site.)of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Links to an external site.) — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit  (Links to an external site.)— officially came into force.  Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.

The SDGs, also known as Global Goals, build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (Links to an external site.) and aim to go further to end all forms of poverty. The new Goals are unique in that they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

While the SDGs are not legally binding, governments are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks for the achievement of the 17 Goals.  Countries have the primary responsibility for follow-up and review of the progress made in implementing the Goals, which will require quality, accessible and timely data collection. Regional follow-up and review will be based on national-level analyses and contribute to follow-up and review at the global level.

-United Nations, Sustainable Development Goals 2018

Here you will visit the site http://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ (Links to an external site.) (also found in Module 1) and choose a sustainable development goal (SDG) of your choice! Each week you will update your blog regarding your chosen SDG (You will create a NEW Blog, each titled Blog 1, Blog 2, etc.). For the FIRST WEEK ONLY, you will also introduce your SDG before investigating your first nation. Each week, the student will provide background information from a country within the UN on how it is addressing the goal they chose (you keep the same goal throughout the project, only changing the country you are visiting each week) by answering the following questions:

  • How will the SDGs be implemented?
  • How will the SDGs be monitored?
  • How much will the implementation of this new sustainable development agenda cost?
  • How does climate change relate to sustainable development?
  • Is this an issue for the country?
  • What resources does this country have to reach this goal?
  • Is this currently being addressed by the country?
  • Is this a priority in the country?

Your Blog should be educational, professional, decorative/appealing, creative, and in APA format. You should have AT LEAST 350 words, in-text citations for your resources, a reference list at the end of your post, and AT LEAST 2 references. 

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ECON101 Savvy Essay Writers

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For the term paper, you are required to pick a current economic topic that relates to the material we have covered or will cover in this course. You will research and find an article that covers the topic you have chosen. You can use an article online or offline from any reputable source. You will write up a review of the article and integrate course concepts into your review. Please make sure you both summarize the article and discuss how it relates to the course.

Complete this essay in a Microsoft Word document in APA format. Your work will automatically be submitted to Turnitin for plagiarism review. Please note that a minimum of 700 words for your essay is required. 

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Six Sigma Savvy Essay Writers

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Six Sigma


Green Belt Project – The Define Phase

  1. Complete a Project Charter with all of the required Information.
    1. Please write the Problem Statement:
    2. Please write the Goal Statement utilizing S.M.A.R.T. objectives (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant and Time Bound):
    3. What is in Scope? What is out of Scope?
    4. Who are Key Stakeholders?
    5. What are key Milestones?
  2. Please complete a High Level “As Is” Process Map.
  3. Please create a SIPOC of the process based on the information that you know. Feel free to use your imagination for this.
    1. Describe methods for collecting Voice of the Customer. (SEE APPENDIX A for VOC).
  4. Please create an Affinity Diagram or List based on VOC so you can identify Customer “NEEDS” for CTQ Tree.
  5. Please create a Critical to Quality Tree utilizing the Voice of the Customer. Identify the Needs, Drivers and Requirements or Metric to needed to meet these needs.

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due TODAY IN 2 HOURS Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help


 Part 1: Observation • Completed Development Observation with 3-5 bullet points for each area of development (physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and spiritual/moral). • One key term, theory, and/or stage for each bullet point based on the readings and/or research for each area of development. • APA Formatting • Submission will be checked for plagiarism. • Completed Development Observation 

 Part 1: Observation Assignment Instructions 1. Prepare for your observation • Download, print, and review the Developmental Observation Questions handout. (Located on assignment overview page) • Review the following resources per your selected developmental age group. 2. Observe and interact with either a child from birth to 12 years old, an adolescent between 13-17 years of age, or an adult 18+ years old. • You must pick a different age group than the group that the person you chose for your Advancing Development Paper belonged to. • Identify the participant’s name, age, what stood out to you most about the observation, and whether your individual is on track developmentally. 3. Write a bullet point outline that reports the individual’s physical,cognitive, social/emotional, and spiritual/moral development. • Provide 3-5 bullets for each area of development (physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and spiritual/moral). • A minimum of 12 bullet points. • Bullet points should include at least one key term, theory, or stage based on the readings and research for each area of development. • The key terms, theories, or stages should be in bold text. • Each bullet point needs to have a different key term, theory, or stage. 2 • A bullet point should include an example and/or quote illustrating the term/theorist/stage. • e.g. Refer to the Development Observation Guide as a guide to complete your observation. (Located on assignment overview page) 4. Complete and submit your Development Observation Guide and Development Observation Questions. 5. Include at least 2 credible sources 

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Unit 3: Healthcare Technology: Local, National, And Global Considerations Savvy Essay Writers

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Unit 3: Healthcare Technology: Local, National, And Global Considerations

Unit 3: Healthcare Technology: Local, National, and Global Considerations

Imagine that you are a public health nurse, and you and your colleagues have determined that the threat of a deadly new strain of influenza indicates a need for a mass inoculation program in your community. What public health data would have been used to determine the need for such a program? Where would you locate public health data? What data will be collected to determine the success of such a program? How might you communicate this to other communities or internationally?

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Savvyessaywriters.org is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

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Discussion 150 Words Asap Savvy Essay Writers

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Discussion 150 Words Asap

Week 8 Discussion

Discussion Assignment:

Watch the following video:


Was the news segment compelling enough to convince you that the Earth could be flat? Whether we realize it or not, we are inundated with causal claims and arguments. The Flat Earth Wiki page explains that the evidence for a flat earth is derived from many different facets of science and philosophy. The world looks flat, the bottoms of clouds are flat, the movement of the Sun; these are all examples of your senses telling you that we do not live on a spherical heliocentric world. This is using what’s called an empirical approach, or an approach that relies on information from your senses.

The causes of the following events and phenomena are well known and frequently discussed. But do you understand these causes well enough to spell them out to someone else? See how well (and in how much detail) you can explain one of these events or phenomena. Post your explanation to the discussion thread. Is your explanation relatively clear, or does it seem more open to debate?

swelling caused by a bee sting
sharp rises in reported cases of autism or asthma
fake news
climate change
popularity of the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why
increasing post-graduation debt for college students
outcome of the 2016 presidential election
controversies in schools and online over free speech

Why Choose Us Savvy Essay Writers Online Assignment Help

Savvyessaywriters.org is a leading academic writing service helping students attain the peaks of academic success for more than 12 years now.

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