Discussion 1
Workplace Environment Assessment
My workplace ranked at 83 after filling the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory. It is therefore moderately healthy. Although it falls short in some aspects, it is healthy and civil since great communication and cooperation exists between various departments and units. For instance, staff from other units adequately address the challenge of units being understaffed due to an abrupt surge in patient numbers by offering human resource help. This has been a long held tradition and employees consider it an appropriate way of minimizing work overloads. The management is also supportive during emergencies and crises that occasionally occur in the hospital setup. For instance, I am often assigned to some units where issues can escalate very fast. For instance, in the mental health section, there are instances when a patient may become chaotic thus posing a danger to the staff and other patients. When such scenarios occur, we always know we can get backup from other staff in the hospital and the security personnel.
The success of any organization depends on the teamwork that exists among its staff. Having a hardworking workforce with a strong commitment to the organization’s mission and vision is key to the implementation of strategies. Such commitment depends greatly on the leadership, management, and the team. The workplace health status offers a broader perspective of what healthcare providers can do to foster better environments for their employees.
I intend to offer a brief description of the results of the Work Environment Assessment at my hospital and offer an explanation why I think it is a civil place. I will also cite various instances where incivility occurred at the workplace and the interventions adopted to address the issues.
Explain why your workplace is or is not civil
Workplace health describes the status with regards to the needs of employees, how civil the place is and the level of safety experienced by workers. Poor civility contributes to lower job satisfaction for workers, lack of respect and courtesy among peers and poor patient outcomes. A research by Armstrong (2017) postulates that incivility can cause physical and emotional distress to workers thus hindering the attainment of quality care and better patient outcomes. To evaluate the civility of the workplaces, the Work Environment Assessment tool is invaluable and offers insights about the hospital’s conditions.
Based on this assessment, the organization I work in is moderately healthy with an assessment score of 83. This implies that the workers abide by a shared mission and vision, there is trust and respect among employees, and there is a clear and elaborate communication path at all levels. The result portrays that there exists high levels of teamwork and employee satisfaction. Furthermore, there is a good distribution of the workload and the organization offers competitive salary for the staff. Based on the work environment assessment results, majority of the employees would recommend the place as a good place to work and overall there are high levels of employee satisfaction, therefore better outcomes (Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory – americannursetoday.com. [n.d.]).
Incivility incident at the workplace
Courtesy and respect are some of the basic values that should exist across all ranks in an organization. As such, it is an obligation of all nurses and staff to treat each other with respect. Clark (2017) emphasizes that all nurses have the obligation to foster healthy workplaces with an atmosphere of dignity, professionalism, and respect. However, there exists certain levels of incivility in some work environments such as lack of mutual respect and even bullying. Such characteristics are linked to poor performance, which affects patient safety and the quality of patient outcomes (Armstrong, 2017). Marshall and Broome (2017) identified workplace violence, incivility and bullying as barriers to developing safe work environments in hospitals and is likely to occur in any setting. According to The American Nurses Association, incivility is defined as any rude, discourteous, or disrespectful actions that may or may not have a negative intent behind them. I experienced incivility at my previous workplace. The management and other staff valued and respect doctors very much, but the doctors never showed the same respect for nurses and support staff. This would affect communication and work coordination since at times nurses were hesitant to consult doctors when the patient conditions changed because of fear and uncalled for rude responses. I found the place unconducive since there was no mutual respect. Unfortunately, none of the nurses’ complaints was addresses in an appropriate manner since the management focused more on the clients as opposed to the workers’ affairs. I quit the job after a year of no change.
Civility at the workplace is not only important for the workers’ feelings but also influences overall performance, productivity, and patient outcomes. Incivility can result to severe negative consequences especially in the hospital setup and is likely to cause life-threatening errors, preventable complications, or even death of the patient. Therefore, workplace health assessment should be considered a key element in addressing priorities while improving the hospital environment. Overall, even when differences exist among individuals, workers should device ways to improve civility at the workplaces. Work place environment assessment is the first stage to this improvement.
Armstrong, N. E. (2017). A Quality Improvement Project Measuring the Effect of an Evidence-
Based Civility Training Program on Nursing Workplace Incivility in a Rural Hospital Using Quantitative Methods. Online Journal of Rural Nursing & Health Care, 17(1), 100–137. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.14574/ojrnhc.v17i1.438 (Links to an external site.)
Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory – americannursetoday.com. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://americannursetoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Clark-Healthy-Workplace-Inventory.pdf (Links to an external site.).
Clark, C. M. (2017). An Evidence-Based Approach to Integrate Civility, Professionalism, and Ethical Practice Into Nursing Curricula. NURSE EDUCATOR, 42(3), 120–126. https://doi-org.ezp.waldenulibrary.org/10.1097/NNE.0000000000000331 (Links to an external site.)
Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New Tork, NY: Springer.
Discussion 2
I personally have been going back and forth with getting a new job. I like the work, but the environment is horrible. I have been spending less time there and picking up more time at my other jobs. Every time I think I’m done there they offer and incentive for a critical need and I can’t help myself. My assessment yielded a civility score of 47 (American Nurse Today, 2015). This has opened my eyes even more and I need to leave even if I am paid less and drive further. It is not worth it to be in that environment.
I witnessed a manager yelling at another staff member at the nurse’s station in front of all of the staff. This staff member is meek and does not stand up for herself unfortunately. This manager stormed back to her office and then the nurse started crying. No matter what the situation no one should ever be disrespected like that, and it shows a lack of self-control and boundaries. In dealing with this person in the past I have told her not to talk to me like that and she didn’t again. No one should be put in that position by leadership at their workplace. Even after being reported, they have continued to work on the unit and make the working environment feel hazardous. The manager has since resigned but the nurse for this incident did not report her. Many I feel she is lacking in the strength of harmony. Harmony is a characteristic of a leader who sees there is no value in conflict (Gallup & Inc., n.d.).
American Nurse Today. (2015, November). Conversations to inspire and promote a more civil workplace [PDF]. https://www.myamericannurse.com. https://www.myamericannurse.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ant11-CE-Civility-1023.pdf
Gallup & Inc. (n.d.). All about the harmony strengthsfinder theme | en – gallup. Gallup.com. https://www.gallup.com/cliftonstrengths/en/252254/harmony-theme.aspx