
The Complete sections should have a minimum word count (total per week) of 1200 words and three scholarly sources.

Approved sources for this course include the course textbook and scholarly articles from the Bethel library databases. No other source information is acceptable. EVERYTHING NEEDS TO BE IN OWN WORDS.

history discussion 45

This is your fourth discussion board assignment worth 8 points. You are to read the text chapters, lecture, and watch the George Washington videos. You are also to read the information at the follow websites and… (You can use a lot of information from this website about these facts concerning his presidency) and…

You are to make the transformation to become George Washington who has just been elected. You are going to show you he created the present system of government by making a series of administrative decisions that became traditions of government. You are also going to describe what he thought about the formation of political parties. You are going to show how he worked with Hamilton on setting up economic policies. Finally you are going to describe in his second term his foreign policy.


Write a 750-1000 word essay about a topic in which you argue for the existence of a particular phenomenon by stating a generalization about the topic. Then you will support that generalization (in the form of a thesis statement) by choosing to write a single-example illustration essay or a multiple-example illustration essay. The purpose of this assignment is to measure your mastery of those conventions by putting your knowledge to practice. In a larger context, the purpose of writing an illustration essay is to convey an idea to the reader by providing illustrations (examples) that will solidify the existence of a topic. Process: For the illustration essay, you will complete the following steps:

    1. Choose a topic:
    2. Decide if you want to write a single-example or multiple-example essay:
    3. Collect illustrations:
    4. Craft your thesis statement:
    5. Draft the essay:

    Stylistic details: All essays must meet the following requirements:

    • 750-1000 words.
    • Write in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.
    • Include one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Use double spacing (top-to-bottom every page, to include above and below titles and centered words).
    • Include an APA title page (for all essays) and reference list that includes all of the sources used in the essay.
    • Include a header.
    • Include page numbers (upper-right corner only).
    • Adhere to APA convention and documentation style.
    • At least one source is required. All sources used must be cited.

reflection essay comparison between boeroecz s and zielonka s visions of the eu as empire 3

– József Böröcz, “Empire and Coloniality in the ‘Eastern Enlargement’ of the European Union”, in: József Böröcz and Melinda Kovács (eds), Empire’s New Clothes. Unveiling EU Enlargement (Central Europe Review, 2001).

– Jan Zielonka, “Europe as a Global Actor: Empire by Example?”, International Affairs, 84, 3 (2008).

Length of essay – 4-5 standard pages (1 standard page = 1800 characters).

2 3 page paper on descriptive statistics

Visit one of the following newspapers’ websites: USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post. Select an article that uses statistical data related to a current event, your major, your current field, or your future career goal. The chosen article must have a publication date during this quarter, starting with the date of April 1, 2019 and no later than May 10, 2019. The article must be picked from the following websites provided above:USA Today, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, or Washington Post.

The article should use one of the following categories of descriptive statistics:

  • Measures of Frequency – Counting Rules, Percent, Frequency, Frequency Distributions
  • Measures of Central Tendency – Mean, Median, Mode
  • Measures of Dispersion or Variation – Range, Variance, Standard Deviation
  • Measures of Position – Percentile, Quartiles

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Write a summary of the article.
  2. Explain how the article uses descriptive statistics.
  3. Explain how the article applies to the real world, your major, your current job, or your future career goal.
  4. Analyze the reasons why the article chose to use the various types of data shared in the article.
  5. Format your paper according to APA format.

research methodology paper

the examples from professor are added in 7 pdf files, there is a word file named as ENERGY DRINK, this is my research paper which is not complete , i want you to complete it according to the samples and rubric given,

plz correct what i wrote if it is required, this is an assignment for research methodology .

writing a directed analysis

Hi there,

I’m requesting papers see attachment for all info

thanks a looot.

con 330 case study project

CON E 330 Section-1&2 Study Spring 2019

I. Case Study 50 Points: All Individual work; Hard copy at the beginning of the class,

No Email or posting on Bb.

All Case Study Assignment due: WednesdayMay 1; 2019 at the beginning of the class; late work will not be accepted

You will be required to apply information that you learn to the Case Study Tasks


a) Select a Case-Study to cover 3-4 topics in your field of study; related to Process developments for Product design or Application and Implementation of capital equipment’s selections.

Interest and Equivalence Economic; Present Worth and Annual Cash Flow Analysis

Choosing the Best Alternative; Income Tax; Replacement Analysis; Inflation and Price Change

Safety and Environmental Needs in the Public or Private Sector.

b) Research Report MS word format 10-12 pages single space. All Individual case study report Bring Hard copy to class no POSTING on Bb.

acct 5320 project answer 5 parts

Traditional and Activity Based Costing Project

After reading the project i attached in the files below. Answer 5 parts:

a. briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional single plantwide rate cost allocation, and activity-based costing.

b. Using activity-based costing concepts, what overhead costs should be assigned to the two products?

c. What is the unit cost of each product using activity-based costing concepts?

d. Reevaluate the president’s concern about the profitability of the two product lines.

e. Discuss the merits of activity-based management as it relates to CarryAll’s ABC cost system.

Notes: Your report must be submitted in Word in the following format,

1. Cover page (project title, your name, email, and submission date).

2. In the main text, first list the required question in bold, and then type in your answers, including models, tables, detailed explanations and discussions.

3. All text in the report should be in 12-point Times Roman font and 1.5 spaced.

Your project paper will be graded based on both the correctness of your answers and the writing of the report. For example, are you providing detailed explanations of the concept and model? Are you giving detailed discussions of the results?

Project Report Rubrics





Identification of Main Issues/Problems

Identifies and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the main issues/problems in the case study.

Identifies and demonstrates an accomplished understanding of most of the issues/problems.

Identifies and demonstrates acceptable understanding of some of the issues/problems in the case study.

Analysis and Evaluation of Issues/Problems

Presents an insightful and thorough analysis of all identified issues/problems; includes all necessary calculations.

Presents a thorough analysis of most of the issues identified; missing some necessary calculations.

Presents a superficial or incomplete

analysis of some of the identified

issues; omits necessary calculations


on Effective Solutions/Strategies

Supports diagnosis and opinions with strong arguments and well documented evidence; presents a balanced and critical view; interpretation is both reasonable and objective.

Supports diagnosis and opinions with limited reasoning and evidence; presents a somewhat one-sided argument; demonstrates little engagement with ideas presented.

Little or no action suggested and/or inappropriate solutions proposed to the issues in the case study.

Writing Mechanics and

Formatting Guidelines

Demonstrates clarity, conciseness and correctness; formatting is appropriate and writing is free of grammar and spelling errors.

Occasional grammar or spelling errors, but still a clear presentation of ideas; lacks organization.

Writing is unfocused, rambling, or contains serious errors; poorly organized and does not follow specified guidelines.

i need help with this paper 10

I want to select starbucks as the topic. I will need for you to post all references and websites in APA style. I need for you to follow the instructions on the assignment I submitted…