
1)As noted by Fennelly (2017), there are different stages to identifying vulnerabilities of a physical protection system (PPS). The vulnerability assessment (VA) process can be segmented into the following three phases:

  • Planning the VA
  • Conducting the VA
  • Reporting the results of the VA

Select 1 of the phases and discuss the details of that phase. Also comment on why you selected that phase.

2)Discuss the textbook’s recommendations for improving business-IT communication. Provide examples from your own experience to support your ideas.

Forum rules:

    • Your answer must be substantive, which usually requires 300 words or more
    • Your answer must be well written and well organized
    • Your answer must include one properly formatted APA in-text citation to a scholarly reference. The full reference must be provided at the end of your answer with a link if one is available.