197 small reading discussion 1
Only 1 page, 2 paragraphs. MLA double space
Read the Example carefully, your response should just like the Example.
You need to use at least 3 reading in your response. No outside sources.
Also check the lecture.
Write a question in the end for discussion like the example.
Please be carefully , the example is not same prompt.
Reading response prompts:(Choose ONLY ONE Prompt)
You must Referencing readings and pose new questions or issues for discussion.
• Imagine you are a rebel leader. Is ‘globalizing’ a conflict like rebels in Darfur did a good strategy? Why or why not?
• Rebel organizations very rarely disappear. If a rebel movement like ISIS in Syria or the LTTE in Sri Lanka is largely defeated and has no territorial control, what should a government do to keep them from reemerging or a new civil war from starting?
• If civil wars often have transnational dimensions or foreign interventions, should we still call them ‘civil wars’? What is the value or the downside of maintaining this label?