2 part assignment 4

In this mini-exercise, you will use Javascript to calculate the league dues and course fees.

  1. (3 pts) Create a folder, called exercise2 within your 2447 folder.
  2. Download the zipped folder, and extract the files.
  3. (4 pts) Create a function that will calculate the league dues, course fees, and total for the golf league. This function will run once the page is loaded.
  4. (2 pts)Within the function, declare two constants that will store the fixed league dues, and fixed course fees.
  5. (6 pts)Within the function, create the variables needed to calculate the dues, fees, and total.
  6. (10 pts) Pass along these values to the input tags within the form. These values should include a preceding “$”, and have two decimal values.

  1. (3 pts) Create a folder, called exercise3 within your 2447 folder.
  2. Download the zipped folder, and extract the files.
  3. (12 pts)Complete the tutorial “Using Conditional Statements” starting on page 74.

    Exploration of what you have learn:

  4. (5 pts)If the lucky number matches 7, change the color of the phrase to red(#FF0000).”Hey, 7 is my lucky number too!” Using the .style property is a great way to change the style.
  5. (5 pts)If the lucky number matches 13 or 24, change the color of the phrase to green(#00FF00) and bold it.