5 4 short response 2


For this short response paper, you will discuss the ways in which motivation, stress, and time management can influence workplace dynamics.

For additional details, please refer to the Module Five Short Response Guidelines and Rubric document.

Good Afternoon Class,

The theme for Module #5 is “Conflicts and Negotiations.” Last week we discussed building a cohesive team, as ‘teamwork’ was the theme for last week’s learning. No matter how cohesive a team is, conflict is inevitable. This week, we will examine the nature of conflicts and how it can be both productive and unproductive in our organizations. We will also examine people skills and anger management as well….and consider how the results of these assessments help us to be more effective members of our organizations.

If you did not do well on the Short Response Paper assignment, you will have been given the opportunity to resubmit, which I highly encourage student’s to do, if you are one of these students. What follows, are the tasks for this upcoming week:

  • Read Chapter Five on Conflicts and Negotiations, which builds on material previously covered, such as communication and listening.
  • Complete the self-assessment and checkpoint questions- “How Good are your People Skills AND How Good is your Anger Management.
  • In reminder, you have the ability to reset your answers for the checkpoint questions to ensure you earn all 16 points.
  • PARTICIPATE in Module Five Discussion Forum – “Tricky Negotiations”. Be sure you have completed the reading and assessments prior to posting your answer and remember to include your results in your initial post.
  • Complete Short Response Paper 2 – Discuss the ways in which motivation, stress, and time management can influence workplace dynamics. It is also VERY important you open up the Guidelines and Rubrics document for this assignment, which also includes more guidance – as well as the specific questions, for which I’m including

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

  1. Motivation – Describe a way in which organizations can influence workplace motivation, using an example from your own experience where this was done effectively or ineffectively. What was the result on workplace dynamics?
  2. Workplace Stress – Describe how an organization and specifically organization leaders can minimize workplace stress. Provide an example from your own experience here as well, explaining how the organization’s action reduced stress in the workplace.
  3. Time Management – Describe how you as a leader can use effective practices in time management to prioritize your time for critical issues in the workplace. Why is prioritizing your time important?

Your short response paper should be a minimum of three paragraphs or more (250-300 words). You may write more than the minimum, as there is no penalty for exceeding it. The average length for this paper is one to two pages. It should be double spaced, point times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA guidelines. I’ve also attached the guidelines and rubric document to this announcement, as well as a sample paper.

Yours in learning,


OL 125 Module Five Short Response Guidelines an… (393.82 KB)
SampleResponsePapertwo.2018.docx (18.94 KB)