this assignment mostly follows the perimeters writing assignment 2 the big difference is that you will be working on a case in preparation for the debate be sure that you have identified the central conflict of values in the case propose a solution p
This assignment mostly follows the perimeters Writing Assignment #2–the big difference is that you will be working on a case in preparation for the debate. Be sure that you have identified the central conflict of values in the case, propose a solution, provide three reasons to support your proposal (virtues of your proposal, duties satisfied, good consequences, application of moral principles, argument by analogy, etc), and raise a strong objection and provide a response.
A note about the due date: it would be best to submit your work as soon as the 28th; the due date of the 29th is soft. Be sure that you have submitted your first draft no later than the 3rd of March.
Why would you turn in your work earlier than the 3rd? Because you are more likely to receive feedback before your team debates–enabling your team to take advantage of our comments.
After selecting/being assigned a case–
First, identify one of the central and unique ethical conflicts or “issues†at stake in the case. This will ensure that you develop a solution to the case that is relevant to the case; it will also help you focus your argument. Second, develop (a) a proposed solution, (b) at least three reasons supporting this solution (this is where additional research starts to become crucial), (c) at least one reasonable and strong objection to your position, and (d) a response to that objection (you might respond by giving reasons against the objection, or by modifying your proposal to minimize the significance of the objection). Be mindful of perspectives and values you may be denying, ignoring, and demoting. Avoid doing this as much as possible. But when you find that it is unavoidable, think of your reasons for doing so.
- Introduction
- A recap of the case (for someone who has not read it)—keep this as brief as possible
- Mention of the key issue (conflicting values) of the case you are focusing on.
- Provide your proposed solution; include essential and relevant definitions of terms, caveats, limitations of principles you might be using, etc.
- Argument
- At least three reasons to support your proposal. Each of these three should probably be discussed within its own paragraph.
- Objection and Response
- A strong objection to your proposal
- A response
There is no need for a concluding paragraph.
Your work should be around 3 to 5 pages in length (double-spaced). Include a works cited for any additional research you do.
- Introduction [out of 75 points]
- A recap of the case (for someone who has not read it)—keep this as brief as possible [15 pts]
- Mention of the key issue you are focusing on [15 pts]
- Your proposed solution; include essential and relevant definitions of terms, caveats, limitations of principles you might be using, etc. [45 pts]
- Argument [out of 150 points]
- At least three reasons to support your proposal. Each of these three should probably be discussed within its own paragraph. [50 pts per reason—reasons should be relevant and strong]
- Objection and Response [out of 75 points]
- A strong objection to your proposal [25 pts]
- A response [50 pts]