performance management and development process for business development job group

Your group project is to evaluate a performance management and development process for a position in your organization and make critical recommendations for improvement of the process.

Each group will identify one job role that currently exists in their organization. They will describe the position and the general performance management and development process that is currently in place.

They will then critically evaluate the process with reference to various elements of the performance management and development process examined in this course. They should then identify at least 3 key areas where the performance management and development process can be significantly improved for this position; providing strong evidence for why the process needs improvement and how their proposed improvements will enhance the outcomes of the performance management and development process.

The entire report should be approximately 2000 words. The majority of this word count should be dedicated to the critical analysis of the performance management and development process and recommendations for improvements. Detailed information about the position being managed or the organizations performance management and development process can be included in appendices that do not count towards the word limit.

In addition to submitting a written report each group will give a 25-minute presentation on their report.

Core textbook Aguinis, H. (2019). Performance Management, 4th Ed., Chicago: Chicago Business Press. (ISBN-13: 978-0-9988140-9-4)