film discussion and homework

Answer only one paragraph per question

  1. Define in your own words what it means to be a women. List the characteristics.. this is strictly your opinion
  2. In your opinion, define what it means to be a man. List the characteristics if you wish.
  3. Orlando: Gender Ideology: Gender ideology refers to attitudes regarding the appropriate roles, rights and responsibilities of men and women in society. This specifically refers to traditional gender ideologies that emphasize the value of distinctive roles for women and men where men fulfill their family roles through breadwinning activities and women fulfill their roles through homemaker and parenting activities. Gender ideology also refers to societal beliefs that legitimate gender inequality. Dudes against Violence: Discussion of Gender Dynamics in Politics:Hari Kondabolu – Female President: Panda Principal: Hillary Clinton: “President Donald Trump Opened Door To More Misogyny”Interview: Can we list some examples (and links) of gender ideology when it comes to women in the workforce, politics, education, volunteering?

Answer 11 questions about the film vertigo, i almost have all the answers so you will only need to paraphrase. and the answer does not have to be long.