analyze incorporating answers to the general historic questions as well who what when where why and how

Primary Source Document Analysis

Document 11.1 – Germans Rage Against Papal Exploitation

From: Oliver J. Thatcher and Edgar H. McNeal, A Source Book for Mediaeval History (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1905), pp. 336–340.

Read Document 11.1 in Sherman’s textbook, and read the lesson (chapter XI) to understand the document in context. Please analyze the source by using the answers to the questions at the bottom of the source, which you are to incorporate with what you’ve learned in the lesson, and incorporating answers to the general historic questions as well: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How?

About 250 words of your analysis should suffice.

Please cite your source (see the bottom, and also instructions on Citation in Cour


1) title-name of the primary source document at the top of your analysis;

2) answer all applicable general historic questions (see above), especially answer the question When?

3) submit your work in essay format, consisting of one or more paragraphs;

4) have about 250 words in total,

5) make sure it is original work and cite your sources (in-text and at the end of the essay, in the work cited section). Your secondary source is the textbook (where the document is published), but you may use other relevant outside sources to further explain the document. See Originality, Citation and From for details and examples.

6) make sure it is a word doc uploaded in given space;

7) must be uploaded (one upload only)

Please upload by the due date.