read the ppt and watch 2 videos then answer the question

After watching these videos, answer the following questions based on what you saw in the videos (not previous personal knowledge):

  1. Question 1 corresponds to the Google video.a. From your perspective, how would you describe the organizational culture at Google (think about things like what the employees said, the colors you saw, office layout, the way employees were dressed, what seemed important to the organization and to employees, etc.)? Explain and discuss. [up to 12.5 points possible]
    b.In your opinion, does the culture at Google make sense for Google? Why or why not? Explain and discuss. [up to 12.5 points possible]
  2. Question 2 corresponds to the FedEx video. a. From your perspective, how would you describe the organizational culture at FedEx (think about things like what the employees said, the colors you saw, office layout, the way employees were dressed, what seemed important to the organization and to employees, etc.)? Explain and discuss. [up to 12.5 points possible] b. In your opinion, does the culture at FedEx make sense for FedEx? Why or why not? Explain and discuss. [up to 12.5 points possible]
  3. In your opinion, what would happen if FedEx tried to instill a culture like exists at Google? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]
  4. In your opinion, what would happen if Google tried to instill a culture like exists at FedEx? Explain and discuss. [up to 25 points possible]