i need good a work on this
Please read the case FC Bayern München goes social – the value of social media for professional sports clubs (see attachment).
Your task is to take the role of Jan, prepare a social media strategy, and recommend actions for the introduction of social media at FCB.
The key element to keep in mind is the creation of Digital Value. You can seek support on the frameworks we explored in the course so far, individual external research as well as personal experiences and logic to enrich and justify your answers. You may also use the initial results Lars reported to Jan. However, please keep in mind that Lars did not have much time and could only gather some, but not all of the relevant information.
Please answers the following questions thoroughly (making sure you justify and provide examples to support your answers).
1. From the fans’ point of view, how does the use of social media creates value? Does FCB benefit from applying social media? Are there differences between the potential of social media for a sports club compared to other companies? If so, why and how?
2. What would you recommend to the people in charge of FCB’s social media activities? What would be the critical success factors (CSFs) and key performance indicators (KPIs) of a roadmap for social media use at FCB?
3. What would you advise the executive board of FC Bayern Munchen regarding the use of social media? Should they invest in social media? Justify your answer.
4. After completing questions 1, 2 and 3. Investigate what is the current situation of social media presence of FCB today. Analyze FCB’s current use of social media and reflect on your answers of questions 1, 2, and 3. What should be the next steps of FCB in regards to Digital Value Creation?
Submission Procedure
Post one WORD file with your report in the ASSIGNMENTS area under: Individual Assignment 1 by February 9 at 11:55pm
Please name your file “A1_ YYY_ZZZ.doc” (where YYY_ZZZ is your name and last name – e.g. A1_Mary_Smith.doc).