eng1102 essay6 annotated bibliography
An annotated bibliography is a list of secondary source citations with a short overview of each essay’s main argument. The educational goal is to 1) gather information necessary for your final research paper and 2) to train yourself in finding other authors’ theses sentences so you can write your own. Before you begin this assignment you should read the Purdue OWL section on annotated bibliographies at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/614/01/
For this assignment you should:
Keep your final paper in mind during this assignment.
List at least six secondary sources in alphabetical order. These should include 3 books and 3 journal articles.
Include all information required by the MLA style for the citation. You can find this in your handbook or online at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
Include a 75-100 word summary of each source, which should include direct quotes. The goal here is for you to find the author’s thesis sentence.
Proofread for grammar errors.