two code about the introduction of java separate it to two files

  • Open a new class called
  • This program will simulate an online pastry business and display a receipt to the customer who has placed an order.
  • The program should follow the exact formatting shown below, including spacing and indentation.
    • Hint: Remember “t”?
  • Note that you will need to print out exactly 2 decimal places for the dollar values.
  • Additionally, for full credit, please use final variables to store the price of each pastry. For example:

final double PRICE_ECLAIR = 3.95; //use all CAPS for the names of final variables

  • When your program output works as shown below (including proper formatting of the output), submit to Canvas
  • Note: Listen to the Java Jive song here.

Sample Output:

Welcome to Java Jive Pastries and Cafe!
Allow me to assist you with your order.

We sell the following desserts:
Mocha Eclairs — $3.95 each
Cocoa Cookies — $2.50 each
Coffee Cake — $5.50 per slice
Java Jive Brownies — $4.50 each

Please enter the number of Mocha Eclairs: 3
Please enter the number of Cocoa Cookies: 12
Please enter the number of slices of Coffee Cake: 1
Please enter the number of Java Jive Brownies: 5

You Ordered the Following:
Mocha Eclairs: 3 @ 3.95 each… $11.85
Cocoa Cookies: 12 @ 2.50 each… $30.00
Coffee Cake: 1 @ 5.50 each… $5.50
Java Jive Brownies: 5 @ 4.50 each… $22.50

Total: $69.85

Thank you for your order! Please come again!

  • Note that t is not a perfect solution for lining up the output in the case of every numerical input. Just do the best you can, and don’t worry if something like a single digit number throws off your alignment.