case analysis thought paper


1) Explore the child in the family context relying on family terms and concepts. You will offer your own unique viewpoint on a specific family case scenario.

2) Consider the variations in family life and the multiple influences on the family.
3) Show your emerging knowledge about basic family concepts from your preadings to date via a

thought paper.
4) Integrate theory and knowledge with family case materials in a written assignment.

General description of the assignment
Write a paper describing how at least two of the following family concepts relate to the scenario or could be applied to the scenario from a psychosocial viewpoint. Please use APA format. Length: 3 to 4 pages.

Examples of key concepts: The lectures and readings will provide definitions and we will discuss these in class.

  • Ø Family structure (the “equation” of family members)
  • Ø Family systems and strategies; family first and second order tasks
  • Ø Family processes
  • Ø Boundaries (You can also consider openness and/or permeability)
  • Ø Interdependence
  • Ø Normative and non-normative stressors
  • Ø Morphogenesis; morphostasis
  • Ø Coping and adaptability
  • Ø Emotional climate
  • Ø Family resilience
  • Ø You can also consider how a particular family belief system or culture influences the family’s reactions and decisions (see note below)

Note: Consider and respond to the brief set of questions you will find after the case you select. As you write, discuss two of the concepts listed above. Your paper should be in APA style. I will briefly review the expected format in class. The paper should follow a clear and logical train of thought in 3-4 pages. For example, you could describe how the family stressors, system boundaries or interdependence relate to the scenario. You may consider the particular stressors, family emotional climate and their impact on the children in the scenarios. You can add a personal viewpoint on the family scenario and the particular family structure. Note: I do not add a cultural family description for the three of the four cases, but you can discuss how culture could impact family decisions in these three cases as well.

Consider and address the questions and one or two of the suggested concepts noted at the end of the case you select. As you write, discuss concepts as described in the assignment guidelines (see thought paper guidelines in a separate document). Your paper should follow a clear and logical train of thought in 3-4 pages.

Case Scenario: Carla and Paul, protective parents, have boy toddlers entering childcare. A meeting with teachers is needed as part of planning for placement given the boys’ history and medical needs.

Carla and Paul are married parents in their late thirties. Carla and Paul are raising fraternal twin sons, Aaron and Alex, age 16 months. Carla’s pregnancy was the result of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Carla and Paul were thrilled to have their twins after several years of fertility treatments. Both parents work; Carla currently teaches college math classes, and Paul works in the IT field. Boys were born early at 33 weeks gestation, but their weight was appropriate for gestational age. Due to borderline APGAR* scores at 5 minutes and sucking and feeding concerns, the boys were placed in a special care nursery for several days as a precaution. They improved quickly and left the hospital with no major medical problems

Since the birth of the twins, Carla and Paul had been able to keep the boys in their close care by relying on family support, modifying their work schedules, and working from home when possible. Aaron and Alex have been well cared for at home by parents and extended family relying primarily of paternal and maternal grandparents, and until this point parents and toddlers have not had to adjust to the demands of a structured out-of-home schedule.

While the boys still have some needs that require special attention, most of their friends who are parents had encouraged Carla and Paul to put the boys on a wait list and consider out-of-home care. Their friends told them that their toddlers would love the social aspect of center-based care and education. Carla and Paul always felt concern when they thought about their boys entering care, wondering how their boys will adjust to new people and new routines. Now that Carla and Paul’s work schedules have shifted, the timing for out-of-home care schedule may be right.

With the shifting work schedules, once the boys were accepted into a highly recommended center-based care and education setting, Carla and Paul thought it over and began to prepare for the transition. Given Carla and Paul have been highly involved and protective parents, they are still uncertain and feeling a bit unprepared for the change. If they feel this way, how will the twins feel? They are also now faced with sharing decisions about their boys’ needs and development with the center’s teachers and staff. The teachers have asked to meet with Carla and Paul about the twins’ transition to care, their developmental needs, and general childcare planning.

Respond to the case. What concepts apply? What questions should Carla and Paul consider asking the teachers? What should the teachers know? What are some factors and concepts to consider regarding this family, the family history and current roles? What more would you like to know to better analyze the case? Consider family structure, family work patterns, adaptability and/or interdependence as concepts for discussion.

• Note: The APGAR test score indicates the health of newborn babies. The APGAR assesses five areas and is an acronym for Activity, Pulse, Grimace, Pulse, and Respiration. Another way to remember the areas assessed is “How Ready Is This Child?” a mnemonic phrase for Heart rate, Respiratory effort, Irritability, Tone, and Color. The APGAR test is typically administered one minute and five minutes after birth (and in some cases ten minutes after if needed). Scores range from 0-10 with 10 being a perfect score. The scores are relied on for an immediate assessment of a newborn baby’s need for medical assistance.