trifles quot a jury of her peers quot

Read all of the following:

  • Trifles/”A Jury of her Peers”

Please follow these directions carefully! You will need to write about at least two of the readings, if not all of them.

  • For your initial post, respond to one thread below. It must be at least 200 words and refer to at least 2 pieces of evidence from the text (plot points, thoughts, actions…)– use direct quotes.
  • You need to post 3 responses total to peers. You can jump across threads, discussing any of these works! Each response must be at least 150 words.
  • Responses need to include evidence from the text and refer to literary terms.
  • If you forget to refer to at least 2 works within your responses, you will only earn half-credit overall.

Use only Trifles/”A Jury of her Peers” for this thread.

  • Do you think Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters were justified in their actions at the end of the play?
  • Use evidence from the text– specifically characterization. Include at least 2 direct quotes to illustrate this.
  • When responding to peers, include evidence from the text as your support.

Grading rubric

Level 5 – Meets all standards

100 %

Level 4 – Meets most standards

85 %

Level 3 – Meets some standards

70 %

Level 2 – Meets few standards

50 %

Level 1 – Does not meet standards

0 %

Response states a premise up front, supports it with specific examples and references to readings/texts, explains the importance of these references, and closes with a strong clarifying statement.

Premise may need clarity, OR may need more support OR explanation of support; closing statement needed

Missing premise AND specific support; conclusion may need work

Missing premise; support not thoroughly developed; conclusion needs work

Missing premise, support, and conclusions

/ 100