week 15 discussion ted talk 12

Week 15 Discussion: TED Talk 12

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Initial post due Wednesday by 11:59pm
Response to TWO classmates due Friday by 11:59pm

This is our last TED Talk, and as such, a sort of parting sentiment on our class this semester. This week will be watching the TED Talk “How Books Can Open Your Mind” by Lisa Bu.Once you have watched the TED Talk, please answer the three questions for this week. As it our last, I have pared down the list to the three most important ones.

Click Here to Read the Transcript of Bu’s speech. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


1. What is the speaker’s main argument? Or what is her thesis?
2. Name at least 3 specific examples/pieces of evidence she uses to support her argument?
3. What was the biggest takeaway that you had from this video? What interested you the most?

Happy Writing,

“How Books Can Open Your Mind” | Lisa Bu