review a case and answer to the ques one page double space
For this week’s assignment, we will be examining the Colton Harris-Moore case, aka “The Barefoot Bandit” case.
Please review the following documentary: Bandit (Links to an external site.)
In addition, please review the official psychiatric evaluation performed by forensic psychiatrist Dr. Adler: Psych Eval (Links to an external site.)
Please provide your thoughts with regard to what Criminological theory(ies) could potentially be used to explain the delinquency of this offender. Use specific examples of the offender’s behavior(s) and why such behavior is reflective of, or correlated with, the selected Criminological theory that you chose.
Next, please provide your professional opinion in reference to the adjudication of this offender. In other words, should he have been incarcerated? Treated? Was a more punitive option appropriate for this offender? Was treatment and rehabilitation the way to proceed? Etc.
One strong content page (minimum) should be provided for this assignment however the more substantive and reflective your submission, the more credit it will receive.