how do i do this assignment

  1. Using the attached spreadsheet of data, (representing exam scores) get excel to clearly label and calculate: (you may wish to refer to page 60 in your workbook for this)
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Range
  • Standard deviation
  • 10th Percentile
  • 25th Percentile (see your hand-written notes on page 60 or 199 for these)
  • 85th Percentile
  1. Create a frequency table of the numerical scores. Type this frequency table into excel. (you may wish to refer to pages 221 in your workbook for this)
  2. Within excel, create a bar graph or histogram from the frequency table. Remember to give the graph an appropriate title. Also, label both axis. (you may wish to refer to pages 184-185 for this)
  3. Now, convert all numeric scores to letter grades using the standard grading scale:
    • 90-100 = A
    • 80-89.75 = B
    • 70-79.75 = C
    • 60-69.75 = D
    • Below 60 = F
  4. Create a frequency table of the letter grades. Type this frequency table into excel.
  5. Within excel, create a pie chart from the frequency table. Select a version that displays both the categories and percentages. Remember to give the graph an appropriate title. (you may wish to refer to pages 51-52 for this)
  6. Write one paragraph summarizing what you discovered from the numerical data. Remember to compare the mean and median. Is the data symmetrical, skewed left, or skewed right? What is one surprising fact you learned from the numerical data?
  7. Write one paragraph summarizing what you learned from the frequency table, pie chart, & bar graph. What are some advantages or disadvantages of using each? Which representation did you gain the most insight from? Why?