research and reflection paper 2

Research and Reflection Paper

In the next phase, ruminate on what you learned in your interview—especially anything that helped you gain a deeper insight into the topics we have studied in the course—and write a research and reflection paper in which you draw upon our shared learning, your individual learning, and the additional discernment you have gained from the interview to demonstrate a more in-depth understanding of the foundational principles of management. In your paper, go beyond a mere recitation of memorized facts or regurgitation of information; strive to synthesize the most important topics of management (i.e., leadership, personality, motivation, decision making, communication, and the importance of good management to yourself and to society) into a hybrid research and reflection paper.

Your paper should integrate responses to each of the following areas in a well-organized and coherent paper:

  • Discuss the leadership precepts you gleaned as a result of your interview.
  • Describe how the leadership precepts dovetail with one or more of the modern theories of leadership.
  • Describe any management weaknesses or failures your interview imparted on you.
  • Discuss how to address these weaknesses or failures in light of the leadership model(s) you have discussed.
  • Describe one or two tenets of motivation theory you have taken away from the course, in light of your interview, the leadership model(s) you have discussed, and your own personality.
  • Discuss how your understandings of motivation theories impact your conceptions of the best practices when it comes to making decisions and communicating at work.
  • Based on your interview and on learning from this course, summarize what it takes to be an effective employee, a successful manager, and an exemplary citizen of society.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

*Attached are the interview questions and the portfolio outline. Please let me know if you have questions.*