create a job aid that can be used to support execution of a specific task on the job

Create a job aid that can be used to support execution of a specific task on the job. A job aid should be simple, contain relevant graphics and be no more than one page. [Note: In real life, some job aids are on a small card or a clip board, but others can be posters placed in a work space, or on-line pop up screens to be referenced during a transaction. The important thing is, keep it simple. This isn’t a reference manual! Just something staff can refer to on the job to remember how to perform a specific task. ]

Add a 500-700 word memo to your boss describing the new job aid and how you recommend it be deployed.

  • What is the purpose of the job aid? Why is it needed?
  • Is it going to be in paper or electronic format? How will it be distributed?
  • What type of communication and training will be needed around use of the new job aid?
  • What change management issues might arise?
  • What will employees be able to do differently now that they have the job aid and know how to use it?

Submit your recommendation and job aid as one document.