Forum #1 Group A Question:
Stuckey argues that “When we elect presidents, we choose more than administrative officials. We also choose between competing visions of the American polity: its composition, parameters, and mission in the world (639).
Identify one fundamental opposition between Democrats and Republicans that was especially important in the 2004 election (that is, an important idea, value, or policy stance that fundamentally distinguished Democrats’ and Republicans’ visions of the American “nation”). Explain how this opposition was constructed rhetorically, and the nature of the choice that it presented to voters.
Then, identify how your chosen opposition was illustrated through specific differences between Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s addresses to their respective national conventions in 2016. How does your chosen difference relate to the competing visions of “nation” that Trump and Clinton constructed in their speeches? You may use any material from the Stuckey reading, and/or any material from extra news coverage of the conventions, in your response.
Donald’s speech:
Hillary’s speech:
Discussion Forum Grading Rubric