now that you have read the guidelines for essay 1 please choose which two articles you will write about
Now that you have read the Guidelines for Essay #1, please choose which two articles you will write about. Also, be sure you have reviewed the “Ten Common Fallacies” and “Rhetorical Analysis Packet” handouts before completing this worksheet. You can download this chart and save it to your home computer, your Google Drive, or a flash drive. Just be sure that you are not submitting a blank chart and that you save your work. Because some graphics and charts do not display on Canvas correctly using Word, you must submit this assignment as a PDF. If you are using Word, simply re-save the document as a PDF before uploading. If using Google Drive, export the document as a PDF before uploading. Your score for this assignment will be credit/no-credit based on percentage of completion. For each blank in the chart, try to include examples with page numbers from the articles. This exercise will directly prepare you to write Essay #1, so the more effort you put into it, the easier that writing process will be.