
From what you have read and experienced in relation to testing a training product before it is

used, it is now time to decide on different ways to potentially test a developed training project.

Implementation often requires such testing, and a W/CBT module

(Reduction on the number of clients in 2018 as compared to 2017)

(OpenFlights: Airport and airline data. (2019). Retrieved from https://openflights.org/data.html)

designed training project is certainly a candidate. If you were going to have certain stakeholders

test your W/CBT Module in a Beta or Pilot format, what would be the most important questions

you would want them to answer about your W/CBT Module to complete the test phase, make

corrections, and officially launch the W/CBT Module to a full training audience?

  • Prioritize 5 questions in order of most important to least important in reference to testing

for improvement of your W/CBT 500 words minimum APA format at least one scholarly
