Summary (4-5 pages) of lessons learned from interviews with two educators about creating inclusive learning environments.
In this assessment, you will focus on two main ideas: (a) the implementation of strategies for promoting inclusivity and valuing diversity and (b) using critical thinking skills to support the work you do as a learner and educator. As an educator, you are likely working with students who demonstrate more types of diversity than ever before. Therefore, you should develop a repertoire of strategies for making learning accessible to all students and ensuring that your learning environment promotes inclusiveness and welcomes diversity in all its forms.
By engaging in professional conversations—interviews—with two education professionals about the topics of diversity and inclusion, you will delve more deeply into issues and challenges that educators encounter when creating environments that are inclusive and strategies that are used to demonstrate respect for diversity.
Summary and Analysis of Interviews
Create a 4–5-page summary and analysis (not counting title page and references) of your interviews that includes the following. Using your own wording, create a short heading for each bullet point below. A template is provided for your use that contains appropriate headings.
- A background statement: Briefly describe the two professionals you interviewed (work setting, years of experience in their professions, diversity of their students, and any other information that you think is necessary for a reader to gain a basic understanding of the interviewees and their roles).
- A description of how the interviewees illustrate the current state of inclusivity and diversity in their settings. Specifically identify and give a brief description (several sentences) of at least two key issues related to inclusivity and diversity in educational settings that were revealed in the interviews. Use information given by the interviewees, not your own experience.
- A description of strategies the interviewees use for creating inclusive environments. Identify and give a brief description (one or two sentences) of at least two specific strategies that were revealed in the interview. Use information given by the interviewees, not your own experience.
- A description of strategies the interviewees use for demonstrating respect toward and valuing students from diverse backgrounds. Identify and give a brief description (four to six sentences is a good rule of thumb) of at least two specific strategies that were revealed in the interview. Use information given by the interviewees, not your own experience.
- An analysis of how well the interviewees are creating inclusive learning environments for all students. Which one do you believe is more proficient at this skill? Assess the evidence you have to support this view. Focus on the strategies the educators actually use and how effectively the educators use them. Do not, for example, comment on what an educator could do with more available resources. Then, make an overall statement about which educator is more proficient at creating an inclusive learning environment.
- Conclusions or “big ideas” you drew about inclusivity and diversity from your interviews. Use information given by the interviewees and summarize it into at least two big ideas.
- An application of these “big ideas” to your own educational setting. Identify and give a brief description of strategies you can use to apply these “big ideas” in your own setting to promote valuing of diversity.
Organize your responses to each bullet point above under the appropriate headings. You may choose to use level 1 APA-formatted headings for this purpose, but you are not required to do so. For more information on APA and headings, you can explore the following resource: