
Article A

The article An Introduction to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program was published by Wendy Pollack, on Clearinghouse Community. The article goes into depth about what exactly the TANF is, what the programs does, or is suppose to do, and who the program effects. The TANF is a part of the PRWORA. It is a program for children and families that have a low source of income. The program is funded by the government. The program provides benefits for children such as providing assistance so that children are able to stay with their families and be cared for by loved ones, rather than being taken away and living in a home for those who do not come from well off families, encouraging working, job prepping, to stop the cycle of families needing assistance from government funding programs, and educating children on how influential marriage, and unexpected pregnancy is on money and income. You have to be eligible to receive TANF benefits, and not very many are eligible. The article explains bluntly that only those who are severely poor and in need may be eligible for TANF. For example, families have to include either a pregnant individual, or a child who is a minor.

Before reading the article, I assumed the TANF was for families who do not have much income, but I did not think about how specific the requirements to be eligible would be. Also, the article explains that the program provides a lot of information and education about how important it is to have a good job and not have a child unexpectedly, but only states one benefit that would help families physically. At first thought, I assumed the program would help in ways such as providing money, meals, and even some sort of transportation to work and school, but again the article talks more about education the program provides.

Article B

The article TANF Benefits Remain Low Despite Recent Increases in Some States is an article written by Ashley Burnside and Ife Floyd, on Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, that discusses the TANF attempting to do more, but still not doing much. The article goes into depth about how the TANF’s benefits have fallen 20% since the program was created. A law was passed, basically stating the government should invest in the TANF to do more physical things to help, such as providing money and jobs for families, to achieve an overall increase in the wellness of families in need, especially the children. Although these increase in benefits sound great, it still did not reach many states, and the eligibility did not change.

I didn’t really have any initial thoughts or prediction of what this article was going to be able other than the benefits reaching more families and more families being able to be eligible. The benefits listed did sound great, but what good are the benefits if it is still difficult for families to be able to receive help from the program?

Below are my discussion questions and video link. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.



Why do you think it is an eligibility requirement that a woman has to be apart of the families?

What are some better benefits the organization could offer?