econ 162 macroeconomics
I need this assignment very soon. Thank you!
1.This first question asks you to view Trump’s State of the Union Address on February 4, 2020.You can complete this question once the State of the Union Address has been delivered.
First, go to
and search for “State of the Union Addressâ€.
You can either watch the video or read the transcript.
Second, answer the following questions:
- How does the president characterize the current state of the US economy?What evidence does he offer to support his arguments?
- What macroeconomic variables are considered in the speech?
- What proposals are offered to improve the condition of the American economy?
- What proposals are offered to improve the U.S. financial system?
e.From the president’s speech in question 1, find a
i.normative, macroeconomic statement.
ii.positive, microeconomic statement.
iii. normative, microeconomic statement.
iv.. positive, macroeconomic statement.