oop general programming and php jquery code for model updating
OOP general programming:
In the real world, a man has a mouth. His mouth can do operations like open/close at the man’s
will. Another man cannot force a man to do such operations without the man’s permission. For
example, a doctor can examine his mouth and request him to do such operations and he will
follow the doctor’s requests after confirming the doctor’s identity. For others, he doesn’t want
them to do such operations. Use OOP Designs to make needed classes with methods to meet
those requirements. You can use any language or pseudo- code to write down your results.
Please complete jQuery and PHP code to prepare the inputs for model updating.
In a form, we have three input boxes for users to type in their choices of courses and
submit the form without refreshing the page(i.e using ajax request). Here are the
1. User can type in 1, 2 or 3 courses 2. Each choice is case insensitive (also, user can type
anything, in any case or leave it empty) 3. The choices have to contain “calculusâ€(in any
case, e.g “Calculus†or “CALCULUSâ€) in one input
box. 4. Because form onsubmit returns false, the form is submitted through ajax by calling
add your Javascript/jQuery code inside of this function. 5. The PHP on the server side needs
to do the same validation as in Javascript/jQuery to make sure
data is
<form action=”/post” onsubmit=”submitForm();return
Choice A: <input type=”text” name=”choices[]”/>
Choice B: <input type=”text” name=”choices[]”/>
Choice C: <input type=”text” name=”choices[]”/>
<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”/> </form>
Finish the Javascript/jQuery and PHP code after each “//add your code after this lineâ€
shown below.
function submitForm()
var $form = $(‘form’); var url
= $(‘form’).attr(‘action’); //
add your code after this line
class MyController extends
Controller {
public function post()
$inputs = Input::all(); //add
your code after this line
//end of add your
) {
return [ ‘status’=>’success’ ]; } else {
return [‘status’=>’error’, ‘errorMessage’ => $this->getLastErrorMessage()]; } }