Safia-IMPORTANT PROJECT Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help



At the end of the course, the successful student will know and be able to: 

• Articulate the history, meaning, consequences and dynamics of barriers that threaten, preclude or compromise the normal participation of selected vulnerable groups in Canadian social, economic and political institutions

• Critically differentiate among various lenses to understand differential or discriminatory treatment of oppressed groups in society

• Identify anti-oppressive practice values and the role these values play in leadership, and the development and implementation of strategies for change

Course Learning Outcomes

Online Learning

As this course is being delivered remotely, please see the following guidelines for expectations specific to the online environment. 

• Students should log on at least 5 minutes before the beginning of class to ensure that their camera, mic, and speakers are working.• Students should be in a quiet spot where they can focus on the class and not distract other students. Example – in a quiet room in your home. Non-examples – in a coffee shop, in the living room with the TV on.• Students should make arrangements for other responsibilities during the class session, such as childcare, pets, etc.

Studying Online

If you would need help and strategies, the following resources may be helpful to you

• Online Learning Tips• Recommended Technology for Online Learning•


Students who do not have the necessary accommodations are not permitted to record lectures in any format (audio, video, photograph, etc.).  Posting course materials or any recordings you may make to other websites without the express permission of the instructor may constitute copyright infringement.

Course Materials 


List of Required Reading(s): 

See weekly schedule of required readings which can be accessed by through Leddy Library course-reserve through Blackboard for book chapters (see *).


Reisch, M., & Garvin, C. D. (2016). Social work and social justice: Concepts, challenges, and strategies. Oxford University Press. 

Social justice and gender

Casey, E., Carlson, J., Two Bulls, S., & Yager, A. (2018). Gender Transformative Approaches to Engaging Men in Gender-Based Violence Prevention: A Review and Conceptual Model. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 19(2), 231–246.

Hicks, S. (2015). Social work and gender: An argument for practical accounts. Qualitative Social Work, 14(4), 471-487.

Krahé, B. (2018). Violence against women. Current Opinion in Psychology, 19, 6-10.

Social Justice and Racialized Communities 

Bussey, S. R. (2020). Imperialism through Virtuous Helping: Baldwin’s Innocence and Implications for Clinical Social Work Practice. Journal of Progressive Human Services, 31(3), 192-209.

Johnstone, M., & Lee, E. (2018). State violence and the criminalization of race: Epistemic injustice and epistemic resistance as social work practice implications. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work, 27(3) 324-252.

Social justice for Indigenous peoples

Alfred, G. T. (2009). Colonialism and state dependency. Journal of Aboriginal Health, 5(2), 42-60.

Dennis, M. K., & Minor, M. (2019). Healing Through Storytelling: Indigenising Social Work with Stories. The British Journal of Social Work, 49(6), 1472-1490.

Hiller, C., & Carlson, E. (2018). THESE ARE INDIGENOUS LANDS: Foregrounding Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Sovereignty as Primary Contexts for Canadian Environmental Social Work. Canadian Social Work Review / Revue canadiennede service social, 35(1), 45-70. 

List of Recommended Reading(s): See weekly schedule below.

Brodie, J. (2018). Inequalities & Social Justice in Crisis Times. In J. Brodie (Ed.), Contemporary Inequalities and Social Justice in Canada (pp. 3-25). Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

Gherardi, S. (2017). The Social Worker’s Dilemma: Empathy and Progress in the Trump Era. Social Work, 1-1.

Mullaly, B., & West, J. (2018). Oppression: An Overview Challenging oppression and confronting privilege: A critical approach to anti-oppressive and anti-privilege theory and practice (3 ed., pp. 1-34). Toronto: Oxford University Press.

Collins, P. H. (2015). Intersectionality’s definitional dilemmas.Annual Review of Sociology, 41, 1-20

Asakura, K., & Maurer, K. (2018). Attending to Social Justice in Clinical Social Work: Supervision as a Pedagogical Space. Clinical Social Work Journal, 46(4), 289-297. doi:10.1007/s10615-018-0667-4

Burnes, T. R., & Ross, K. L. (2010). Applying social justice to oppression and marginalization in group process: Interventions and strategies for group counselors. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 35(2), 169-176.

Knight, C., & Gitterman, A. (2018). Merging Micro and Macro Intervention: Social Work Practice with Groups in the Community. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(1), 3-17.

Weinberg, M., & Banks, S. (2019). Practising Ethically in Unethical Times: Everyday Resistance in Social Work. Ethics and Social Welfare, 1-16. doi:10.1080/17496535.2019.1597141

Fine, M., & Teram, E. (2013). Overt and Covert Ways of Responding to Moral Injustices in Social Work Practice: Heroes and Mild-Mannered Social Work Bipeds. The British Journal of Social Work, 43(7), 1312-1329. doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcs056

Bird, M. (2016). Social justice advocacy in the belly of the beast: An illustration of policy change for social work. Affilia,31(2), 257-262.

Krumer-Nevo, M., & Benjamin, O. (2010). Critical poverty knowledge: Contesting othering and social distancing. Current Sociology, 58(5), 693-714.

Strier, R., & Feldman, G. (2017). Reengineering Social Work’s Political Passion: Policy Practice and Neo-Liberalism. The British Journal of Social Work, bcx064.

Library Resources

All of the Leddy Library’s online articles, ebooks, streaming videos and more are available through our website If you’re working remotely just remember to login first to make sure you can find everything that is available to you.

Students will be able to borrow and access items from the Leddy Library’s print collection during the fall semester in two ways. The library will be offering a contactless print pickup service as well as a digitization request service. For more information please visit

The library continues to offer a wide range of services for students including research support from librarians, Academic Data Centre support, resource troubleshooting and more. Please visit for up to date information on all our services and hours.

Curriculum and Weekly Schedule

Each student is expected to attend each class, fully, and be on time. In addition, it is expected that, as adult-learners, you will make meaningful and informed contributions to in-class learning through frequent and ongoing participation. Students need to keep the instructor informed of progress and problems. This allows me to keep abreast of how well you are doing withrespect to integrating the learning in the course. It is far easierto deal with situations early rather than to wait until they become problems.

Note: Students and instructor will be given two 15-minute breaks and a one-hour lunch/dinner break per class day. The instructor reserves the right to revise the schedule if necessary to meet the learning needs of the class.

  Topics    ​​ Agenda   Weekly Readings

Day 1

• Introduction to the course• Forms of injustice• Foundations of social justice


​Reisch, M., & Garvin, C. D. (2016). ​

​Chapter 1, 2, and 3


​Brodie, J. (2018). 

Gherardi, S. (2017). 

​Mullaly, B., & West, J. (2018).

Day 2

• Social justice and social work• Socially just practice• Intersectionality• Anti-oppressive social work• Social justice and individual and

family change

• Socially just group work practice


​Reisch, M., & Garvin, C. D. (2016).  ​

​Chapter 4, 5, and 6

See also: International Federation of SocialWork – Global Definition of Social Work


​Collins, P. H. (2015).

​Asakura, K., & Maurer, K. (2018). 

​Burnes, T. R., & Ross, K. L. (2010). 

Day 3

• Socially just organizational practice• Working with communities to promote social justice• Barriers to promoting social justice

Submit group presentation topics by the end of the class


​Reisch, M., & Garvin, C. D. (2016).  ​Chapter 7 & 8


​Knight, C., & Gitterman, A. (2018). 

Weinberg, M., & Banks, S. (2019). 

​Fine, M., & Teram, E. (2013). 

Day 4

• Advocacy• Socially just research and evaluation• Creating and implementing socially just policies


​Reisch, M., & Garvin, C. D. (2016).  ​

​Chapter 9 & 10


​Bird, M. (2016). 

​Krumer-Nevo, M., & Benjamin, O. ​(2010). 

​Strier, R., & Feldman, G. (2017). 

First paper due October 3rd by 11:59 PM

Day 5

• Social justice and gender• Social Justice and Racialized Communities • Social justice for Indigenous peoples


Social justice and gender

​Casey, E., Carlson, J., Two Bulls, S., & ​Yager, A. (2018). 

​Hicks, S. (2015). 

​Krahé, B. (2018). 

Social Justice and Racialized Communities 

​Bussey, S. R. (2019). 

​Johnstone, M., & Lee, E. (2018). 

Social justice for Indigenous peoples

​Alfred, G. T. (2009). 

​Dennis, M. K., & Minor, M. (2019). 

​Hiller, C., & Carlson, E. (2018). 

Day 6

Final Group Presentations

Student Evaluations of Teaching (SET) forms will be administered on the last day of classes, in accordance with Senate policy. However, your feedback is welcomed and encouraged throughout the course.  



Worth Value

Due Date

In class discussions


Throughout the semester

First Paper Midterm


October 3rd by 11:59 PM



October 16, 2020

Note: Grades in this course may be curved to comply with the Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (FAHSS) grading Policy.

Assignments and Evaluation Criteria

Assignment Overview

All assignments submitted are considered confidential and will not be read by anyone other than the course instructor or his/her designee. Assignments are to be submitted electronically to the instructor through Blackboard or email. Assignments must be typed and comply with the format set forth in the PublicationManual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.),which is often referred to as the APA Manual. A copy of the APA Manual is available in the Leddy Library.  In- class assignments should be electronically submitted to Blackboard before the end of that selected class.

In-class group assignments

Students will work in small groups (3-4 students) to discuss and record answers to questions provided in the class. Questions will relate to the lecture notes, readings from the text, and/or films presented in class. There could be one or more in-class assignments per day. The date of in-class assignments will not be announced in advance. Students are expected to contribute equally to the assignments and each member of the group will receive the same grade on assignments. Please keep the records of your grades insofar as the instructor will not keep copies of the graded papers. No late assignments are allowed for this assignment. 

First Paper

This individual assignment requires students to demonstrate their understanding of social justice and change in relation to multiple levels of social work practice (individual/family, group, organizational, community) discussed in weeks 1-4. Students are required to integrate course readings. Further details will be provided in class.

Final Presentation

In groups of 4-5, students will develop a case study and identify and address the social justice issues at each level of social work practice discussed in the course (individual/family, group, organizational, community) and develop an advocacy plan. Students are required to integrate course readings and external academic literature. Further details will be provided in class.

General Instructions/Requirements for Assignments

• Papers must be within the page limits that are given. Any paper that is not within the page limits will receive an automatic grade deduction of one-third letter grade (e.g., B+ becomes B). Papers that are excessively short or long (plus or minus 2 pages of stated page requirements) will not be accepted for evaluation.

• You may not submit the same work (or portions of the same work) for credit in different courses without each instructor’s consent.

• Assignments must be turned in on the date and time it is due. Late assignments will have the mark reduced by one-third letter grade (e.g. A to A-, B+ to B, etc.) per day and will not be accepted after one week. Extensions will be granted only with medical documentation stating that your medical condition prevented you from completing and submitting your paper by the due date, or because of some other severe circumstance, which must be documented and cleared with the instructor.

• The instructor will not accept papers, allow students to take exams, give presentations, or participate in any other type of evaluation in which the student was absent from class and thus unable to receive the material related to the assignment. Students requesting considerations for health, bereavement, or extenuating circumstances should refer to Senate Bylaw 55.

• All assignments will be evaluated using the University Grading Policy. The final grade for the course will be the sum of the weighted grades for each assignment.

• Students’ final grades for the course will not be released to students until they have been approved by the Director of the School of Social Work and the Dean of Graduate Studies and posted on the UWinsite. 

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