powerpoint presentation Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

powerpoint presentation


Sign of Positive Change Instructions

Research a project currently being implemented by an individual/group/organization to address an issue with a nutrition or health impact studied in class. The featured project may be local, regional, national or global in scope. An organization may oversee several projects that apply to class and a brief overview of these projects may be listed as part of the assignment but one project should be chosen as the focus of this work and your class presentation.

• This will be a BRIEF (six slides, five minutes) presentation. 

Presentation Guidelines: follow these grading requirements to be eligible for maximum points.

Prepare 6 NARRATED Power Point slides with the following content:

slide one: Picture of person, project, logo, etc. to introduce the subject of your presentation. 

slide two: Nutrition/food issue AND specific population targeted by this project. 

slide three: Overview of project including mission, goals and implementation of project. 

slide four: Why you chose this as a sign of positive change. 

slide five: Your choice…something related to this project you think your classmates should know about or something that was particularly inspiring about the work being done. 

slide six: Contact info for person, group or organization including links to websites and related resources. 

• NARRATED Power Point presentation required. 

my sub topic is about Anna Lappé.

and the research about sugar and kids 

I need a powerpoint and transcript for 5 min presentation 

i have an example of that below 

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