4 java questions 1
1. USING THE IF STATEMENT – Write a java program that asks the store manager to input the number of video cards she wants to buy on this order. The full non-discounted price for one video card is $45.00.
If she buys 1 to 10 she pays full price
If she buys 11 to 25 she receives a 10% discount
If she buys 26 to 50 she receives a 25% discount
For testing purposes enter `any quantity between 12 and 48
Print out how many she bought
Print out the amount she saved with the discount
Print out the total of how much she spent
2. USING THE SWITCH STATEMENT – Write a java program that asks the user to enter the number of their favorite month of the year obviously, that would be 1 12. Use ANY number
Write a switch statement that takes the number and converts it to the fully spelled out name.
[For example only: if the user entered 3; the word MARCH would be printed] .
Be sure to build in an error message to catch any invalid data entries such as 0 or 13 etc.
Print out the number that was entered and the name that resulted.
3. USING THE IF STATEMENT & Scanner for input and println for output – Write a java program where the user enters a temperature as a whole number from input, and outputs a most likely season [either SUMMER, SPRING, FALL or WINTER] depending on the temperature entered.
SUMMER would be 90 or higher
SPRING would be 70 to less than 90
FALL would be 50 to less than 70
WINTER would be less than 50
Consider it an error if the user ever accidentally enters a value of less than 0, or greater than 110.
4 USING THE SWITCH STATEMENT & JOptionPane for input and output – Write a java program where the user enters a temperature as a whole number from input, and outputs a “most likely†season [either SUMMER, SPRING, FALL or WINTER] depending on the temperature entered.
Either enter 40 or 60 or 80 or 100
SUMMER would be 100
SPRING would be 80
FALL would be 60
WINTER would be 40
Consider it an error if the user ever accidentally enters any other value.