hosp3005 leading service excellence in the hospitality industry pew 27103
My Group already did the Phase 1234. This is the only part i need to do. I will put their work in the files, and I wish you can see his part first. I am doing the “Boston Marriott Copley Place”. Thank you.
Phase 5 – Control
Your group will prepare a report on how to continue the improvement process. Answer the following points:
– Describe what they could do to monitor these changes, (2-3 pages)
-Describe what they could do to ensure improvement occurs in the future, (2 pages)
-Describe what you/group learned, (1 page)
-Describe what you/group would do differently if you needed to do this project over, and (1 page)
– Describe which of these skills and tools you feel are most valuable in the “real worldâ€. (1 page)
Please cite chapter and page number(s) used in answering each question.