intellectual property discussion 1
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Please review the videos in the Intellectual Property module which can be found under the following titles: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, and Trade Secrets. The Intellectual Property module is located immediately below this module. Please also reply to two other student’s posts.
After watching the videos, please respond to the following questions:
- Please distinguish between copyright and trademark protection. Your response should include examples of the subject matter that each category protects.
- Imagine that an entrepreneur is opening up a new restaurant and is concerned about protecting a secret recipe. Which category of intellectual property protection is most applicable? Please explain.
- Of the four categories of intellectual property protections covered, do you think that one type of protection is more challenging to obtain? Please discuss.
- Do you think it is important to understand these different types of intellectual property before starting a business? Please explain.
Additionally, please also be sure to stay on topic and limit your discussion to only the questions posed. Please conduct yourself in the discussion board as you would in a professional, business environment.
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