accounting 416

In this assignment, we will learn how to reconcile a bank account. Bank reconciliation is a key internal control function to ensure all cash transactions are correctly recorded, but it can also detect some irregularities when performed monthly.

  1. Download AC107 Unit 6 Bank Rec Template [Excel Spreadsheet]
  2. Follow the instructions found in the template
  3. Rename your spreadsheet adding your last name to the file name (Ex. AC107 Unit 6 Assignment – Perform Bank Reconciliation LastName)
  4. Submit your completed spreadsheet

This purpose of this assignment is to understand what petty cash is and how it works within the accounting system and accounting for cash transactions.

  1. Download AC107 Unit 6 Petty Cash Template [Excel Spreadsheet]
  2. Follow the instructions found in the template
  3. Rename your spreadsheet adding your last name to the file name (Ex. AC107 Unit 6 Assignment – Petty Cash LastName)
  4. Submit your completed spreadsheet