written assignment 157
Background: We have seen how simple data analysis and simple graphs assist us with telling the story of raw datasets. Now we will learn how the use of advanced graphs play a major “drilling down†deep into the meaning of the data.
Use the tool of your choice (e.g. RStudio, Excel, Python) to generate advanced graphs.
Graphs to Produce:
Bar Plot: (Use dataset_student_survey_data.csv)
- x=Smoke
- fill=Exer
- position=dodge
- facet=Sex
- x-label=Smoker
- y-label=Counts
- title=The Exercise habits of Male and Female students that smoke
Histogram: (Use dataset_us_car_price_data.csv)
- x=Price
- fill=Type
- facet=Type
- x-label=Price
- y-label=Freq
- title=Car Price Distribution based on Car Type
Box Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)
- x=varieties
- y=price
- fill=bimas
- facet=status
- x-label=Rice Varieties
- x-label=Price
- title=India Rice Prices based on Varieties, Land Status, and Bimas Program
Scatter Plot: (Use dataset_production_of_rice_in_india.csv)
- x=price
- y=wage
- shape=bimas
- col=bimas
- facet=status
- method=lm
- se=F
- x-label=Rice Price
- y=Wage
- title=India Rice Prices vs Wage broken down by Land Status and Bimas Program
Please put all screen shots in a MS Word (other word processors are fine to use but save it in MS Word format). Provide narrative to support the screen shots.