choose 1 of the 3 topics


I want you please to follow the steps that are listed below as carful as you can. Also, the important thing about this assignment is to read the lecture notes that are attache to this question. One more important thing all the work should be your own work without anything from google or here and there please.

Use standard formatting with:

  • Double spacing,
  • 11 or 12 point font (Times, Helvetica, Calibri, etc.),
  • 1 inch margins,
  • No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header,
  • No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.

Choose ONE question and answer in 6-7 pages:

  • Explain the logic of religious politics and political religion (Putnam et al)
  • Explain the logic of the civil rights movement lectures
  • Explain the American model of religion lectures (Putnam et al)

I’ll add the rest of the lecture notes which are the main resources for you to complete this assignment.

Thank you so much!