visual aids as pre reading strategies

Visual aids as pre-reading strategies

You will develop a Project in which you will use 3 different visual aids strategies to demonstrate understanding.


For this work, you must:

Choose a topic discussed in the course: Major literary genres, elements of the short story, poetry, or elements of drama.

Develop a Frayer model, a Sequence model, and a Cause and Effect model about a story, poem, or article.

You should deliver the activity in a Word document.


In the cover, all group members should be listed. The work must be delivered on time, without spelling or grammar mistakes. The works will be submitted to the tool to detect the similarity of content (now Urkund). Submit the answers in a Word document, Times New Roman, size 12. You must include references in APA format, three years or less.


Barry, M. (1986, December). An exploratory study of how college-level students construct schemata from pictures. Longboat, FL.

Concept Map. (n.d.).Retrieved from (Enlaces a un sitio externo.)

In Ellis, E.S., & Lenz, B.K. (1987). A component analysis of effective learning strategies for LD students. Learning Disabilities Focus, 2, 94-107.

Oldenburg, D. (n.d.).Pre Reading Strategies. Retrieved from (Enlaces a un sitio externo.)

Pre-Reading Strategies and the Common Core State Standards (n.d.). Retrieved from