after reviewing the slides for the final paper compile your final paper 1
After reviewing the slides for the final paper compile your final paper.
Be sure to apply what you have learned to the scenario
Using APA format, write the final Risk Management Paper for ProMed Insurance
Please pay attention to the SafeAssign score. If the items highlighted are not just the references, make sure you cite your sources!
Text book: Gibson, D. (2015). Managing risk in information systems, 2nd edition. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2015 Student Lab Manual
The paper must contain
- Executive Summary
- Overview of the company
- Explanation of the IT network (refer to the diagram in PPT)
- Risk Assessment
- Identify assets and Activities to be protected
- Identity threats, vulnerabilities and exploits (attached my previous assignment)
- Risk Mitigation
- BCP(attached my previous assignment)
- DRP and CIRT (attached my previous assignment)
- How your plan protects the company overall
- Conclusions and recommendations
- References