answer questions below 55
Answer the 2 questions below and reply to each student.
Student Reply must be over 200 words.
Make sure all student replies you start it with Hello (Student Name),
Please upload each question in different word documents.
Question 1:
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7 of The Leadership Experience and watch the Derek Sivers | TED2010: How to Start a Movement (Links to an external site.) video.
List three ideas that you learned from the video clip. Also, explain the chain of the leadership-follower movement. Why is it important for the leader to embrace the first follower as an equal? If you have your own experience with the leadership/follower movement, please share this with your peers.
Student Reply 1: Diana Squire
Sivers (2010) cites three significant things in his video, which include the idea of embracing the first follower in a movement, the fact that the first follower makes a lone-nut the leader, and last the need for people to be courageous to be leaders and show people what to do so they can follow.
The chain of the leadership-follower movement regards how an excellent leader must have the guts to stand alone and look outrageous. However, despite the associated ridiculousness, the actions depicted by the leader should be easy to replicate to attract people. First followers to a movement play a crucial role as they transform a lone-nut into a leader (Sivers, 2010). Thus, the first follower abounds as an under-appreciated type of leadership. Regardless of the above, the first follower depicts what to follow, which arises as essential to avoid leading people astray. Momentum also plays a crucial role in movements, and they stem from more people joining and aping the second follower. Thus, according to Sivers (2010) leadership derives as over-glorified since the leaders get all the credit even though the first follower made the movement a possibility.
Daft (2018) postulates that the leader should embrace the first follower as equal because they give courage to other people to join the movement. Notably, first followers contribute significantly by aping the leader and teaching people what to do. Dugan (2017) assumes that the first follower shows people that being part of the cause is natural and permissible. The author deems people to be controlled by others and the need for confident people to act as guides.
Daft, R. L. (2018). Fellowship. In R. L. Daft, The Leadership Experience (p. 34). Boston MA: Cengage Learning.
Dugan, J. P. (2017). Leadership Theory: Cultivating Critical Perspectives. London: John Wiley & Sons.
Sivers, D. (2010, February n.a). How to Start a Movement. Retrieved April 19, 2019, from TED Ideas Worth Spreading:…
Student Reply 2: Nancy Resmini
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 7 of The Leadership Experience and watch the Derek Sivers | TED2010: How to Start a MovementLinks to an external site.Links to an external site. video.
List three ideas that you learned from the video clip:
You need the guts to stand up and take the ridicule.
Follower shows everyone else how to follow
The Leader and the follower become one.
Also, explain the chain of the leadership-follower movement.
The leader stands up for what he is believes can be a terrific movement or idea. Then a follower listens and decides to join the leader, which makes them become equal. Other followers start to see what could be fun and decide to join in with the others. Those that were waiting to join are now running to become part of the team.
Why is it important for the leader to embrace the first follower as an equal?
Because that follower believes enough in the leader to want to share in the project with him from the beginning to the end. By becoming equal with the Leader, the rest of the team sees the way the project is going as a group, not as a leader and followers. Everyone is equal.
If you have your own experience with the leadership/follower movement, please share this with your peers. When I was much younger, our youth group wanted to host a youth camp weekend with youth from other churches. I took the lead and others wanted to help with the weekend. We had so many people helping, from adults to the youth, to make this weekend special. Because we worked together as one, not separate individuals, everything came together and the weekend was a success.
Sivers, D. (2010, February). Derek Sivers | TED2010: How to start a movement (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Links to an external site. [Video file]. Retrieved from…
Student Reply 3: Jennifer Peshoff
The three ideas I learned from the video clip is that anyone can become a leader no matter how silly the task is, the leader should embrace the first follower as an equal, and it does not take much effort to start a movement, just courage. According to Daft (2018) “The effective follower is both a critical, independent thinker and active in the organization†(sec. 7.2). The chain of leadership-follower movement starts with the leader action or point of view. The first follower is the second part of the movement because without the first follower the leader can come across as crazy or irrational. The leader should embrace the first follower to show that they are equal and willing to go with what the leader has proposed together as one. The first follower is subject to mockery in the same way the leader was in the beginning. After the first follower commits to the movement then the other followers feel less of a risk to join. In Siver (2010) the movement starts with the leader and the risk can be seen in both the leader and the first follower but as more followers join the movement the scale tips and it becomes riskier to not join the movement.
Daft, R. L. (2018). The leadership experience (7th ed.). Retrieved from
Sivers, D. (2010, February). Derek Sivers | TED2010: How to start a movement. [Video file]. Retrieved from…
Question 2:
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 8 of The Leadership Experience.
If you were the owner of a small firm, would you prefer to implement an employee stock ownership program, a profit-sharing program, or a bonus program as a means of motivating employees? Discuss your reasons. What other motivational techniques would you employ?
Student Reply 4: Michael Dawson
An employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) is a company-run program in which participating employees can purchase company shares at a discounted price. Employees contribute to the plan through payroll deductions, which build up between the offering date and the purchase date. At the purchase date, the company uses the accumulated funds to purchase shares in the company on behalf of the participating employees (ESPPLinks to an external site.).
A performance bonus is a form of additional compensation paid to an employee or department as a reward for achieving specific goals or hitting predetermined targets. A performance bonus is compensation beyond normal wages and is typically awarded after a performance appraisal and analysis of projects completed by the employee over a specific period (PerformanceLinks to an external site.).
A profit-sharing plan, also known as a deferred profit-sharing plan or DPSP, is a plan that gives employees a share in the profits of a company. Under this plan, an employee receives a percentage of a company’s profits based on its quarterly or annual earnings. This is a great way for a business to give its employees a sense of ownership in the company, but there are typically restrictions as to when and how a person can withdraw these funds without penalties (Profit SharingLinks to an external site.).
If I was a small firm owner, I would prefer to implement an employee stock ownership program for two reasons. First, this would allow the company to retain their employees and second, it is another incentive for the employee to stay if they are investing. Based on experience, any type of bonus is nice because it is some form of money that goes to you directly. However, it is not always as guaranteed and majority of the time it is also taxed. So really, if it does not increase your salary it is a little more difficult to just give bonuses. When it comes to profit-sharing, it would be my second option of choice since there are restrictions as to when and how a person can withdraw these funds without penalties. Furthermore, I feel like it decreases the incentive part for the employee because they don’t receive that profit right away.
Two other types of extrinsic rewards I would implement would be yearly pay increase in salary and after hitting milestones in the company, allowing increases in PTO (Personal Time Off). If you are a smaller firm, you still want to be competitive to bigger firms, so I believe with this people will want to stay and work for you. Other motivations I would employ would be company BBQ’s, Christmas parties, and even celebrate big wins and milestones for the firm. Ensuring the employees and their families with more positive reinforcement and rewarding them.
Daft, R. L. (2018). The Leadership Experience (7th ed.) [Electronic version]. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from to an external site.
Kagan, J. (2019, March 12). Performance Bonus. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from… to an external site.
Kenton, W. (2019, April 08). Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). Retrieved May 14, 2019, from to an external site.
Kenton, W. (2019, March 22). Profit-Sharing Plan. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from… to an external site.
Student Reply 5: William Poole
Productivity is boosted, moral is raised, and performance is improved with motivation being increased in the workplace. Many common methods are there for making employees energized and exited while diverse motivators function for different employee types (Daft, 2018).
Employees can be motivated with the incentive of the program of profit-sharing. Earnings can be increased by employees in this way while assisting increase in the business income. Collective teamwork and goal-setting is promoted simultaneously by this approach. A pride sense is provided in ownership to the employees by this. Performance can be enhanced, turnover can be decreased and morale can be raised with the help of a program of profit-sharing (Morse, 2019).
In case it is decided by the small business to look at sharing of profit as a means to reward and motivate the employees. A program in which employees are rewarded with bonus compensation can be implemented by the small business. The basis can be annual, quarterly or monthly. Employees will be motivated every day before they arrive to work. Greater initiative will be taken by them in new business sourcing. Services will be retained by the existing clients for long when work is done in a spectacular manner. The thinking towards sharing of profit is that more readiness will be held by employees having more skin in the play to place extra effort in order for the project great from good (Morse, 2019).
Other motivational techniques that can be employed are stated as follows:
Accomplishments and achievements should be identified. Achievements of employee can be celebrated through awards for star performer or employee-of-the month. A big deal should be made out of attainments through celebration at meetings with the staff. Individual efforts or team attainments both should be identified.
Input of employee should be solicited. Satisfaction of employee should be surveyed in a regular manner. An independent party can be hired to conduct a focus formal group or anonymous polls can be conducted. Potential breakers of morale can be caught prior to their escape from the hand. Staffers are shown that one care regarding workers’ opinion and desire to improve conditions of working in a continuous manner by soliciting the input of employee (Daft, 2018).
Morse, S. (2019). Can a Profit-Sharing Program Motivate Your Employees? -. Retrieved from… to an external site.
Daft, R. L. (2018). The leadership experience (7th ed.). Retrieved from
Question 6: Crystal Dunham
If I were to own a small business, I would prefer to offer a stock ownership program. This offers my employees a chance to be owners of the stock in my business. “Typically, the company borrows money from lenders, investors, and/or selling shareholders, and then loans the ESOP trust funds for the purpose of acquiring shares†(Staloch, 2015). Overtime as the loan is being paid off the shares can then be given to the employee’s accounts. By offering this program my employees will be able to exchange their shares for retirement, termination, disability, or death. This gives my employees a sense of security in case something may happen that has effect on their finances. Another way I would help motivate my employees is by offering incentives like gift cards or gift certificates. This helps my employees stay focused on goals that are needing to be met and shows that they are valued for their hard work and dedication.
Staloch, C. (2015, September). Employee Stock Ownership Plans: The Pros and Cons. Retrieved from…