answer the questions in part a amp b


Ulanski, Stan L. 2003. The Science of Fly-Fishing, University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville, VA

You should read chapter 1 in your textbook “The Science of Fly-Fishing” by Dr. Stan Ulanski and write out an answer to the following question in the both, part A and part B:

Part A:

Describe the public attitudes toward fishing for each of the following groups of people:

  1. People like Izaak Walton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau.
  2. British military officers and Scottish fishing clubs
  3. Early American Protestant, religious zealot colonists, and Puritans

Part B:

Answer the following questions:

1. Who is generally credited with introducing the art of angling to the modern world?


2. How has angling changed from 20,000 year ago up to Izaak Walton’s time?

3. Describe fishing in England from 1700’s until about 1850. Who was fishing and what

was their relationship with nature and the fish?

4. Describe the public attitudes toward fishing, consider the views of Henry David Thoreau,

Protestant work ethic, Puritans, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.

5. What are some of the answers to the question “Why do we fish?” Consider both “the

sacred and secular poles of fly-fishing.”

6. What do you think these quotes mean?

a. “piscator non solum piscatur” – there is more to fishing than catching fish.

b. “Next to prayer, fishing is the most personal relationship of man.” Herbert Hoover

c. “Fishing is, by its very nature, an uncertain and interrogatory endeavor…the angler moves out of the realm of the known and into a creative realm of questions.” Mark Browning

7. What is meant by the quote “Science without ethics is blind; ethics without science is

empty?” by unknown

8. What factors have been important in the increase in popularity of fly-fishing since the


9. What are the customary rules of behavior for fly anglers when they meet other anglers

on the water?

10. What are some of the pros and cons of catch-and-release?

11. Briefly describe each of these flies: dry fly, wet fly, nymph, and streamer

12. How is fly-fishing similar and different from other types of fishing?

This work must be done within 24 hours maximum.