answer these five questions below

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1) Define the technical political term POWER and then tell us what these 3 symbols of POWER in the above picture represent in political power analyses and how these types of POWER cited inside the Major Categories of Political Economic Analysis of Power Relationships interrelate in political analysis: Use any addition sources listed inside this web lesson to support your political analysis.

The concept of power has many interpretations, however for our purposes of political analyses,we’ll focus on some of the most basic types of power that are generally used in political studies.

Economic Power Analysis
Land = Natural Resources of the Earth and Habitat
Labor = People, Workers, Producers, Physical and Intellectual Labor Power
Capital = Wealth of all sorts including anything of value

Use any addition sources listed inside this web lesson to support your political analysis.

2) Using these definitions of economic power, tell us why Bill Moyers says “Plutocracy and Democracy Don’t Mix” and why two American Political Scientists finds a problem with Oligarchy, Plutocracy, Plutonomy versus Democracy. How do these all interrelated to Perkin’s Corporatocracy?

1: government by the few; 2: a government in which a small group exercises control especially for corrupt and selfish purposes; also : a group exercising such control ; 3: an organization under oligarchic control. Websters Dictionary

3) What is the Citigroup Memo all about? Use any addition sources listed inside this web lesson to support your political analysis.

4) On American Political Language Confusion , explain what Hedges analyses reveal about the failure of and how does it related to Prof. Sheldon Wolin’s critiques that America is not a Democracy. Use any addition sources listed inside this web lesson to support your political analysis.

5) Based on your analyses, what do you think of political comedian George Carlin’s assessment of America? Was he right or wrong? Explain citing specific details.