association of fundraising professionals code 1

Review the Association of Fundraising Professionals Code of Ethics and National Organization for Human Services Ethical Standards listed in the readings. After reviewing the two ethical standards, consider the following scenario and use the steps in the “Model of Ethical Decision Making” presented in Chapter 2 in your text to describe how you would deal with the ethical dilemma.

You are working as an administrator for an alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (ATOD) prevention program for at-risk youth. Your program public funding grant was not renewed and you might need to lay off necessary employees or discontinue the program if you are not able to obtain funding soon. An American tobacco company has offered your organization a generous contribution of $200,000 along with an in-kind donation worth $50,000 in material with the agreement that you will allow the company to share the information about their contribution in order to promote a more positive image of the tobacco industry. Your company would also have to agree to use their printed prevention program material. Their printed material clearly credits Philip Morris (billion dollar tobacco industry) for funding the program and the material downplays the health risks of tobacco and promotes choosing to smoke after you have reached legal age. One of your organization’s guiding principles is to advance the health, safety, wellness, and stability of at-risk youth, their families, and communities. In your post, make sure to include:

The nature of the dilemma (apply code of ethics that apply if applicable)

Generate at least two potential decisions and the potential consequences of those decisions

Choose your course of action and evaluate it

Watson, L., & Hoefer, R. (2014). Developing Non-Profit and Human Services Leaders.

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

We will use our textbook heavily each unit. Reading comprehension is a critical aspect of success!

Chapters 1-3 in our textbook.
Website: National Organization for Human Services. (2015). Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals. Retrieved from